Beer Making Crash Course with Mike Sherretz Nov 16th| 和Mike Sherretz 学习啤酒制作 11月16日

November 13th, 2015 § 1 comment

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 2报名参加 Sign Up Time: 17:30 ­ 21:00, Monday, November 16th Personal Biography: A chemical engineer from the USA, Mike Sherretz worked in the oil and gas industry for 10 years. His chemical engineering background and ability to relate to others has allowed him to work in many places around the world. Mike is a consultant with TRI Corporation, is co­founder of Leaderstyles International Co., LTD, and ­­ more relevant here ­­ is the founder of My Homebrew Store right here in Shanghai. He made his first batch of beer in 1990, and now he’s a several time bechampion! He’s considered the godfather of beer in China, and XinCheJian is very lucky to have him stopping by. Mike says, “Everybody told me I couldn’t do it. They said that they had heard stories about people making ‘brew’, and it made people sick. So I told people, let me try it and you can say if it’s the same. I’ve been giving away wine and beer ever since with no complaints. Everybody keeps coming back asking for more.” He’s excited to teach others how to make good beer! Come join and learn how you can do it, too! Workshop Description: We’ll start with some discussion and learning, but we’ll quickly transition to go through the process ourselves, actually making a batch of beer together right here at XinCheJian. In addition, Mike will bring along some samples of his best beers for us to try ­­ at no added cost! How generous. After the workshop, the beer we’ve made will go through its fermentation stage for the next month, and then we’ll host a follow up workshop during which you are invited to come back and help bottle the very first batch of XinCheJian beer that you helped make, and we’ll give it away for your to keep! Workshop structure: 1. Mike will do a quick introduction of himself, the chemistry of the process, and an overview of the equipment needed; 2. After a brief Q&A about the steps and materials involved, we’ll jump right into actually implementing the process, ourselves. The first step is steeping the grains in a large pot. Kind of like making tea, you have to soak the grains in hot water to begin with; 3. The next step is adding the grain extract. This stuff is thick, syrupy, and heavy, and it must be stirred well to ensure that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot. 4. The next step is adding the hops and turning up the temperature! Hops are those little green buds that look like tiny broccoli. They’re responsible for adding flavor, and they’re famous for giving beer that satisfying bitterness. 5. Finally, we’ll cool down the brew and prepare it for the fermentation stage. The beer needs a month or so of time for the yeast to break down the sugars and release the ethanol that makes our beer alcoholic and to release the carbon dioxide that makes the bubbles in our beer. 6. We’ll be enjoying free beer throughout the process! This workshop can help you: ● Understand the essential steps to making your own beer safely in the comfort of your own home ● Get familiar with the different types of equipment needed to make various types of beer ● Learn the chemistry of beer and what makes it so delicious ● Gain an understanding of the various categories of beer and how their flavor and alcohol content varies ● Meet other beer enthusiasts and partners for home brew collaboration What to expect: Part of the workshop will take place inside XinCheJian, and part will take place directly outside the building in the parking lot. Make sure to bring warm clothes, and bring along a flashlight, too, if you want to be able to see inside the boiling brew and notice the cool way the grains churn. The process of making beer is very safe, especially with Mike Sherretz leading the workshop, so please do not worry about any danger. People will be consuming beer at the event, and it will be a social event, but it will not become a wild party. The purpose of the event is to learn about beer. Who should enroll: Mike says, “The Craft beer market is still new (in China). Probably the first ones were the Paulaner Restaurants. However, they sold their beers only in their restaurants and things progressed slowly from there. Since there is not much variety in the commercial beers available here, it was only natural that passionate guys would try to fill that gap. So, now there is a fast growing trend of microbreweries springing up in China. This is really helping the public to be better educated about good beer and is increasing the interest in both the expat communities and the upward mobile locals.” Mike is a firm believer that anyone with passion and discipline can make good beer, and he’s eager to teach all willing students and inspire us bring more interesting brews into the world. What to bring: · Warm clothing to wear as we spend some of the time out front of XinCheJian · ­ An appetite for beer tasting ­­ you’ll be trying various types and learning the differences · ­ A flashlight (optional), to help you see the process clearly · ­ A paper notebook to write down notes about the process (we advise not bringing your laptop for this workshop) · ­ A curious attitude ­­ please ask Mike lots of questions and stay closely involved in the steps of the process If you have any questions, you can contact the workshop leader. WeChat: alec_walker Fee: Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members. Due to limited space, please sign up in advance to reserve seat. Attendees who show up without sign up or inform host will need to pay double price.]]>

§ One Response to Beer Making Crash Course with Mike Sherretz Nov 16th| 和Mike Sherretz 学习啤酒制作 11月16日

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