上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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Nov 28th , Dec 5th , Dec 12th , Dec 19th, Sat,14:00 – 16:30
Instructor Intro:
Kin is an enthusiastic maker who has encountered many difficulties on the way prototyping his creative ideas. One day he determined to take control of his process of making mechanical components by building his own CNC milling machine. By using high precision components and extra strong structure, his CNC machine is able to produce complex components. He has decided to allow Xinchejian members to share this machine as long as certain skills are equipped.
Workshop Intro:
This workshop will take place 4 times in a roll. From basic operation to CNC toolpath generation, Kin will walk you all the way toward to excellent CNC components making. After this 4 workshop, you will be able to
Run the machine with basic manual operation, write basic G-code Tooth path, perform surface milling
Use Master cam to generate G-code, perform contour milling, tool tip alignment, center setting
Use Master cam for advanced operation, perform pocket milling, rough cut & finish cut.
Use Master cam for nurbs surface, perform complex toolpath generation and optimization.
Workshop structure:
CNC Knowledge sharing
Team work for challenge
Solution generation
field practice
This workshop can help you to:
●make high precision prototypes
●make complex components
●improve design for production
One class: Non-member: RMB 200; XinCheJian member: RMB 150
Four classes: Non-member: RMB 750; XinCheJian member: RMB: 550
Material fee is RMB 50 / class, will need to give to the instructor each class.
To improve the quality of the class, we only accept 12 people in this workshop. Please sign up in advance. Participants who shows up at the workshop without signing up or informing the host will need to pay double fee for the workshop. Please understand!
Instructor Contact info:
If you have other questions, please contact: chris@xinchejian.com
CNC数控铣床加工零基础课程|CNC Machining Course 11/28 – 12/19
November 24th, 2015 § 0 comments
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