上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
13:00 – 17:00, Sunday, December 6th
Personal Biography:
Zoe, Masters degree in fashion technology, expert in clothing recycling, provides environment regeneration solutions for fashion brands around the world.
Workshop Description:
Every cloth is a memory. We will upcycle your cloths into mini backpacks and bring you a brand new story during our workshop.
Workshop structure:
1,Sewing Pattern Cutting
2,Cloth Cutting
3,Hand Stitching / Machine Stitching
Workshop material:
1,Self-prepared Material (You can buy materials with 30 RMB at the workshop if you don’t have any.)
1)Old clothes facing fabric (Any old cloth. Can be T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, jeans, suits, or shoes.)
2)Old clothes lining fabric (Soft old fabric. Can be T-shirt or Shirts)
2,Accessories (Included workshop) Plastic zips, Nylon straps, shockproof lining, Piping tape / thread
3,Tools (Please bring if you have them) Fabric scissors, paper scissors, needles, thread, chock pen
This workshop can help you:
● Strengthen your creativity and handcraft skill
●Get knowledge about the bag making process
●Develop the sense of discovering new beauty from old things.
●Enhance environmental awareness and encourage you to understand the concept of upcycling.
What to expect:
This workshop will be creative and encouraging. All kinds of old cloths are possible to remake into new pieces. You can bring leather bags, shoes, or any unconditional materials. Makers finish project first can help others which can help you to review the work and improve leadership ability.
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members.
If interested, please sign up on www.huodongxing.com/event/3310978306800 in advance, so we can calculate attendees to prepare materials! Or send Email to chris@xinchejian.com ]]>
Sewing Workshop: Clothing Upcycling – Mini Backpack Dec. 6th| 缝纫工作坊:旧衣升级改造 - 迷你双肩包 12月6日
November 30th, 2015 § 1 comment
RT @xinchejian: Sewing Workshop: Clothing Upcycling – Mini Backpack Dec. 6th| 缝纫工作坊:旧衣升级改造 - 迷你双肩包 12月6日 https://t.co/gUKcfg996m