上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
*1. 电、光、磁和声音的一些原理
*2. Arduino的基本功能
3. *C语言基础
*4. 用电安全知识
*1. 激光切割机操作
*2. 电子焊接操作
*3. 热熔胶枪操作
第一课时 1月29日 下午18:00 – 20:00
第二课时 1月30日 下午13:00 – 15:00
第三课时 1月31日 下午13:00 – 15:00
第四课时 2月1日 下午18:00 – 20:00
Arduino寒期集训 1月29日|Arduino Winter Camp Jan 29th
January 25th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink
1/16: Live Scanning & 3D Cloning Workshop!
January 14th, 2016 § 2 comments § permalink
Featuring: Pussykrew, a new media artist group from Poland
When: Saturday 1/16 from 17:00 – 19:00
Where: 28 Yuyuan Dong Road, Building #3, 1F, Jing’an District (Xinfab & Xinchejian)
Cost: 350 RMB, or 300 RMB for Xinchejian and Xinfab members
Pussykrew Introduction [30 – 40 minutes]:
3D animation / installations / videos / 3D printing / 3D scanning
video creations from 2015
overview of the technical and conceptual details behind Pussykrew’s work
3D Scanning Session [1 hour]:
Participants will be scanned with 3 different 3D scanners. Afterwards, everyone will have a chance to play with the files and 3D print scans.
Participants will then be able to try out the scanners themselves, scan each other, modify the files, and get creative.
On Sunday (1/17), participants can pick up the 3D printed scans created during the workshop at Xinfab.
Suitable for:
Beginners AND advanced 3D artists!
Everyone will learn how to 3D scan random objects and people, and transform the files into physical forms through 3D printing.
To make it as interactive as possible, people will be able to work in groups of 2 or more.
We will use the following equipment in this workshop:
Structure Sensor 3D scanner
Sense 3D scanner
Scanify 3D scanner from Fuel3D
For more information about Pussykrew’s work: http://niochnioszki.net/press/
To sign up, send Email to: chris@xinchejian.com
About Pussykrew
The Pussykrew collaboration duo consists of the Polish new media artists Andrzej Wojtas (also known as Jendrek or mi$ Gogo) and Ewelina Aleksandrowicz (also known as Tikul). Though currently based in Berlin, both artists have a Digital Media Studies degree from the Culture Lab at Newcastle University and have been awarded a Digital City Fellowship from the Institute of Digital Innovation in Middlesbrough, both in the UK. For the past ten years, both artists have been using a very wide range of media – from vhs players and music videos to 3D printers – to create, as they themselves put it, ‘gender-bending visual journeys, filtered through carnal data mesh, liquid apocalyptic dysphoria and 3d fantasy shuffle’.
They started working together in 2004 – and have worked under the Pussykrew moniker since 2008 – and have since then developed numerous highly artistic creations that often bring the latest visual and sonic media expressions and postmodern humanity together. They have also collaborated with a long list of artists, musicians and designers since then, such as Leila (WARP Records), HTRK (Work Tour 2011), Raime (Blackest Ever Black). Oni Ayhun, Angel Haze, Kode9, Actress, Evian Christ, James Ferraro, Kassem Mosse and Nguzunguz. Pussykrew’s creations have also been regularly featured in art galleries and digital and/or sonic art conventions throughout the world in recent years, and will doubtlessly interest many visitors at this year’s 3D Printshow in London]]>
Kossel Mini 3D打印机DIY制作坊 1月23日|DIY Kossel Mini 3D Printer Jan. 23rd
January 11th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
这次制作的是kossel mini 3D打印机, kossel 3d 打印机具有优点:
2)运行平滑,水平急转的惯性小 框架稳定
1月23日 周六全天 13:00—20:00, 周日 9:30 - 15:00 (时间酌情延长)
1.学习了解kossel mini 打印机的电子元件及打印原理
2.学习用ARDUINO 烧录固件
3.学习用CURA 软件操作打印机进行打印
非会员价: 2800
因为打印机材料准备时间较长 请在18日前完成报名(人数限制10–15人)
ZBrush动画制作工作坊 1月16日|ZBrush Animation & Modeling Workshop Jan. 16th
January 11th, 2016 § 3 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
13:00 – 16:00, Saturday, January 16th
Personal Biography:
Archarry Lu Hanlin students are “Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute – technology development center,” the parametric design and research team member, who is also in charge of Ascott design lab, a number of articles related papers published digital design, is currently working development make work easier and efficient computing platform. Recently set up a “record-off DreamWorks” series of workshops, and strive to create a fun culture to increase the popularity of creating customer.
Workshop Description:
Are you in difficult for how to turn a novel product solution into a kind? Looking at the complicated operation interface of the modeling software? Come take a look at a passenger dream factory “magical tools ZBrush modeling tools group, master this set of tools can be like a draw with a pen like in a short period of time the rapid establishment of 3D digital model of the, we can made of 3D printing and 3D animation, is not very interesting!
Workshop structure:
1, Introduction of Sculptris modeling software
2,Introduction of ZBrush modeling software
3,Software tool group
4,Material and rendering
5,3D art creation methods to explain
6,Complete product prototype production and 3D printing creative products
This workshop can help you:
●Fast and efficient production of product 3D model
●Experience the sense of achievement dream into reality
●Experience the happiness of artistic creation
●The increase of imagination and creativity
●Create cool 3D effects
●By creating to solve practical problems encountered in life
What to expect:
The goal of this workshop is help, love for the creation of you through a simple and direct method to design and establish a product modeling, to achieve the smooth 3D modeling experience as painting and drawing, you can put on before in the imagination of the transformers, cartoon image, the concept of sports car and home products… Into the actual objects can be used, so that we can be as happy as a wizard to create it!
Who should enroll:
You are creative, but you don’t have the way to master the 3D modeling;lively and lovely in the world full of curious little friend;to a customer is interested in the culture of lovers;want to DIY a smart products gave small partner of relatives and friends and all ages is full of whimsy friends are suitable to participate in the workshop, and the hands to create the process will harvest unexpected joy with touched.
The speaker of the contact:
If you have any questions, you can choose to contact me.
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members.]]>
Super Simple Class D Guitar Amp
January 5th, 2016 § 3 comments § permalink
The simplicity of the circuit stems from the use of this cool oscillator:
A sawtooth waveform at approximately 50Khz, with a nearly-linear ramp, is produced by the S9014 BJT. This waveform is approximately from 5v to 9v:
The guitar signal is 200-300mV peak to peak, and the sawtooth is scaled to match this amplitude. Both the guitar signal and the sawtooth are coupled to 1/2 the supply voltage, with a potentiometer used to fine tune the overlap between the signals.
Finally, both signals are fed into a comparator (LM311), and the output from this drives the gate of a MOSFET. A 10nF filter capacitor is added to the sawtooth signal to reduce oscillations caused by feedback from the speaker via the power supply rails. The large power supply decoupling capacitance also helps to address this: without it, spikes appear in the oscillator waveform, and wild high frequency oscillations can appear in the output.
Despite amplifying essentially only half the waveform, and various other limitations, the sound quality is surprisingly good. See video of the amplifier in action here: