无线传输模型工作坊 3月5日|Wireless Transfer Module Workshop March 5th

February 23rd, 2016 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 diy-wireless-power-transfer报名参加 Sign Up 时间:3月5日 周六 13:00 – 17:00(首讲,共分5讲) 个人简介:黄曾新是上海市向明中学创新教育教师,现退休返聘,年轻时在企业高频热处理方面填补了12项国内技术空白。光荣出席全国科学大会,受中共领导人接见。进入向明中学后,指导学生共获国际金奖60多项。国家专利近千项。所研发项目被中央电视台播出多次,出版了多本有关创造学书籍。在天文、气象、鱼类、工程方面有多项成果。在中学科技教育方面被称为“金牌教练”。经期,为创新教育与青少年科学百宝箱和普及创客文化增加创造乐趣而努力。 工作坊介绍: 无线传输能量是近年来国际上最热门科技之一,在交通、手机、供电方面有巨大用途,由于无线电波看不见摸不着,对广大青少年有无限神秘感和好奇心,但是感觉很遥远。黄曾新将手机供电模块和电磁炉模块开发利用,为青少年制作有趣的教具,寓教于乐. 工作坊架构: 1,无线传输电能原理与发展; 2,两种变频原件与原理; 3,用天线电波点灯; 4,用电磁波转动电动机; 5,用无线电波驱动车辆; 6,用无线电波对蓄电池供电; 7,用天线对手机供电; 8,用实验验证无线电波对人体健康无影响; 此外,工作坊还能帮助您: 1,用无线电波点亮七彩LED模型; 2,用无线电波制作陀螺; 3,用无线电波合作多种形式的“永动机”; 4,将电动机改装成天线传输电结构; 5,用实验验证无线电波对人体及植物是否无大碍; 最后,值得期待的是: 本次工作坊的目标是培养青少年对科学的兴趣,提高动手能力,并以此探索出一种广大青少年学习科学科学技术的有效途径。 主讲人联系方式: 电话:15821112343 微信:15821112343]]>

3D打印基础建模和操作工作坊 2月27日|3D Modeling Tool Workshop Feb 27th

February 22nd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 882243729082424_v2报名参加 Sign Up Time: 13:00 – 16:00, Saturday, February,27th Personal Biography: Archarry Lu Hanlin students are “Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute – technology development center,” the parametric design and research team member, who is also in charge of Ascott design lab, a number of articles related papers published digital design, is currently working development make work easier and efficient computing platform. Recently set up a “record-off DreamWorks” series of workshops, and strive to create a fun culture to increase the popularity of creating customer. Workshop Description: Do you have difficulty in turning a novel product solution into a kind? Or have trouble in looking at the complicated operation interface of the modeling software? Come take a look at the Dream Factory class – “magical tools ZBrush modeling tools group”. By mastering this set of tools, you can do the rapid 3D digital model, and can do 3D printing and 3D animation in a short period of time! Come and join us! Workshop structure: 1, Introduction of Sculptris modeling software 2,Introduction of 3d printing modeling software 3,Introduction of 3d printing principle 4,operation of 3d printing 5,Solve common problems 6,Complete product prototype production and 3D printing creative products This workshop can help you: ●Fast and efficient production of product 3D model ●Experience the sense of achievement dream into reality ●Experience the happiness of artistic creation ●The increase of imagination and creativity ●Create cool 3D effects ●By creating to solve practical problems encountered in life Preparation: please bring your own laptop! Instructor contact: If you have any questions, you can choose to contact me. WeChat:archarry QQ:514248050 email:[email protected] Telephone:15601786625 Fee: Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members.]]>

新春安排 | Spring Festival Arrangement

February 3rd, 2016 § 2 comments § permalink

Dear makers / fans, XinCheJian wishes you a happy spring festival. Regard to Spring Festival, XinCheJian has below arrangement: – Feb 5th to Feb 13th, XinCheJian will be officially closed. During which time, electricity and water are still on. Members who have cards can still access XinCheJian 24 hours. Due to cleaners are off, please keep the space clean and tidy. – After Feb 13th, XinCheJian will be open to all the members. Thanks again for your support. If you have quesions, please contact [email protected]]]>

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