XinCheJian in City Pictorial magazine
March 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Wednesday Meetup – Free – @XinCheJian – 7-9pm
February 1st, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Wednesday talks Roger Mu will be giving a presentation on his hobby – Aquaponics, his past, present and future with hydroponics and he’ll talk about is simple hand watered bucket system along with the continuous flow PVC pip system, some technical shots at flood and drain techniques along with deep water culture, come loaded with your questions Justin – the cofounder of Max Space, the Beijing Hackerspace and organizer of Maker carnival – a 3 day theme park built to be enjoyed by everyone young and old with some creative people building their ideas into reality – full of performances, workshops, talks, activities from April 29 to May 1, 2012! Arvind Gupta – famed for designing the DJammer which was used by P. Diddy at the MTV music awards, will be introducing himself to the community this evening with a talk on Creative Confidence and Design Thinking. This week 电影制作入门工作坊 – Introduction to Filmmaking – 2012/02/04 (FULL) Jerome will be guiding this workshop from script writing filming and editing.. want to be involved but didn’t make the signup, think you can act and want to be an extra.. send an email to the mailing list. Op-Amps for Everybody! 运算放大器工作坊 – 2012/02/05 2pm-4pm Sean Boyce from Foulab Hackerspace is visiting and will be giving this easy workshop that will involve SMD techniques and you’ll build your own guitar pickup! sign up here and learn something awesome.. This Month Processing课程 – 2012/02/11 By Great demand, Raven is at it again, this media artist will take you on an extensive and indepth tour and practical application with processing, sign up early here: 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/02/26 Robo racing is opening on the 26th for the opening race, if you’re building at home it’ll be a left hand race sign up before the race so we have an idea who is racing, participation is free. Line followers, autonomous and user controlled all welcome, keep an eye out for more information on this.. Volunteer Jobs at XinCheJian As a Volunteer you’ll earn your membership, you’ll also be expected to join Tuesday Staff meetings from 7-9pm. Only apply if you’re serious. Without the generosity of the current volunteers, sharing tasks in their free time, it would be near impossible to keep XinCheJian alive. *Treasurer* As the Treasurer you’ll be responsible for.. treasure. you need to <strike>have your own calculator</strike> we’ll provide you a calculator. the following are what you’ll need to handle on a monthly basis. – Income/Outgoing spread sheets – Look after the donation box – Organizes the rent and bills from the bank account – We’ll even send you to business accounting with the government (we’ll pay for this) – Kind reminders to members to pay their membership dues *Journalists* A Journalist will be expected to write at least 1 article a week on a topic of whats going on inside XinCheJian, you pick a project and review it, can be a few hours an evening writing and a few hours in the day interviewing. – you’ll be given an account on – You will need a camera – English or Chinese – or both is encouraged – confident and outgoing – get as much information possible from people in the shortest amount of time.]]>
Hacking YN460 flash with Arduino
January 26th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink
Dorkbot: JUE + XinCheJian = Art + Technology
January 14th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
About XinCheJian 新车间是一个开放式社区,吸引并集聚了各方硬件高手,电子艺术家,设计师,DIY爱好者,以及所有喜欢动手捣鼓各种东西的人。在这个实验空间里,大家不仅可以和兴趣相投的人一起拆拆装装各种电子和物理产品,而且还可以共同实施一些好的设计和想法。 “新车间”与第4届《觉》音乐+艺术节将于2012年3月9日-25日共同为您呈现一次艺术与电子的碰撞盛宴,而Dorkbot即是这场盛宴的开胃菜。 What is Dorkbot? Dorkbot是一场艺术家,发明家,电子爱好者的“集会”,是一个轻松氛围下互相间交流作品,想法与技术的平台。2012年3月,新车间与《觉》会共同举办一个以“艺术与技术”为主题的Dorkbot,邀请来自《觉》的艺术家们,以及坐在电脑前的你一起。 Looking for Presenters 成为我们的Dorkbot活动发言人,你将可以:
- 向大家展示你的作品,给予大家熟悉了解你的机会;
- 结识志趣相投的朋友,组建自己的艺术(产品)团队;
- 吸引对作品(产品)感兴趣的展出方或投资方。
- 在“新车间”与“觉”的Dorkbot上向艺术家与电子爱好者展示您的技术与产品;
- 通过举办工作坊的形式让艺术家与电子爱好者进一步了解您的技术与产品;
- 近距离体察用户体验,及时获取到来自潜在用户的反馈信息;
- 寻找未来的艺术或技术上的合作伙伴。
MITERS (MIT Electronics Research Society) at XCJ
January 6th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Nancy Ouyang, Cathy Wu. These students were on a self-funded, personal visit to China where they visited a number of factories and Chinese makerspaces/hackerspaces. They are members of MITERS, a 30 years old student club at MIT.
Originally founded as a club to give MIT students free and open access to computers, MITERS now features a mill, lathe, band saws, welders, and other hands-on tools, in addition to a host of oscilliscopes, high-end soldering irons, and other EE prototyping tools. It’s a member-run creative haven and build-anything-you-want, if-you-break-it,-fix-it space.You can see a short documentary of MITERS on Youtube. The event was very popular and we had a full house. The large audience included MIT alumni Benjamin Koo (and his assistant Jeadon Chen) in addition to a few students interested in opening hackerspaces-type organizations inside their own universities. Throughout their presentation they shared with us how they ran their space and what type of projects they did in addition to their impressions of China.[gallery link="file"]]]>
wednesday meetup – Free – XinCheJian – 7-9pm
January 4th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Wednesday talks Mariane Petit and Dan osulivan from ITP NYU will be giving a presentation not to be missed, learn more about The awesome TheNelson is also arranging an EagleCAD workshop this Wednesday before he goes back to the US, EagleCAD is used to design your own PCBs, expect it to start around 8pm, register online before the event and save 10rmb Wednesday evenings are one of the best times to meet like minded people and build things with, it’s about making something happen. This week *Saturday 7th* 2pm – 5pm InsectBot workshop – This is the best introduction to Arduino and building something that moves – No Programming needed, this little Insectbot will take on what ever your imagination can throw at it. Register online before the event to guarantee you a spot. *Sunday 8th* – 1pm – 5pm Arduino Programming workshop in Chinese, If you want to dive in the deep end and learn something for 2012 then jump into this course, it will introduce you too and orientate you in one of the most popular micro-controller development platforms out there, the Arduino. Register online to save yourself 10rmb Volunteer Jobs at XinCheJian As a Volunteer you’ll earn your membership, you’ll also be expected to join Tuesday Staff meetings from 7-9pm. Only apply if you’re serious. Without the generosity of the current volunteers, sharing tasks in their free time, it would be near impossible to keep XinCheJian alive. Treasurer As the Treasurer you’ll be responsible for.. treasure. you need to have your own calculator and some experience with keeping records. the following are what you’ll need to handle on a monthly basis.
- Income/Outgoing spread sheets
- Look after the donation box
- Organizes the rent and bills
- Talks to founders for more money
- Kind reminders to members to pay their membership dues
- you’ll be given an account on
- You will need a camera
- English or Chinese – or both is encouraged
- confident and outgoing
- get as much information possible from people in the shortest amount of time.
wednesday meetup – Free – XinCheJian – 7-9pm
December 7th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Tonights topics Tonight we should have three interesting topics, Farming in an Urban window presented by Jeff followed up with the 8x8x8 cube you might have previously seen on the mailing list.. if anyone knows the 8x8x8 cube takes some serious multiplexing.. find out how many pins this guy uses! Also Raven will start the show with his awesome processing introduction for those who might be interested in signing up to the processing workshop. Notice XinCheJian is run by volunteers, by donating time, toys or money can the space continue to be what it is. If you’re interested in being part of the group we have several positions open for volunteers or those looking for a community driven internship at the end of this newsletter. If you cannot help out by taking a membership then consider buying a drink from the fridge or even kits, every little helps. What else is happening this week in XinCheJian *Thursday* 7pm – embedded engineers event in Chinese by Shen Jie, with pizza! *Friday* 7pm Habib from MakeSense Social Enterprises & companies meetup *Saturday* 3pm Shyul lee giving an introduction to FPGA and ARM *Sunday* 2:30pm – insectbot workshop by David and Lutz This is a key workshop to getting started with Arduino and getting a feel for the hackerspace, Highly entertaining, safe for kids and adults. “The Insect bot workshop got me started at XinCheJian back in may, confused and disorientated about a hackerspace this put me on the right path to making great things — Paul” Sign up here.. Memberships Having a Membership in XinCheJian means you’re supporting the community and giving back, you’ll get to pick your membership level either 300rmb or for the generous 500rmb a month that goes to keeping the space alive and replacing consumables. Open Volunteer positions at XinCheJian As a Volunteer you’ll earn your membership, you’ll also be expected to join Tuesday Staff meetings from 7-9pm. Only apply if you’re serious. Without the generosity of the current volunteers sharing tasks in their free time it would be near impossible to keep xinchejian alive. *Treasurer* As the Treasurer you’ll be responsible for.. treasure. you need to have your own calculator and some experience with keeping records. the following are what you’ll need to handle on a monthly basis.
- Income/Outgoing spread sheets
- Look after the donation box
- Organizes the rent and bills
- Talks to founders for more money
- Kind reminders to members to pay their membership dues
- Schedules events within the space
- Confirms events with people based on signups
- Encourages and guides people to get content together to promote event
- Handles external media for events (posting to media sites)
- Posts events to the XinCheJian site
- you’ll be given an account on
- You will need a camera
- English or Chinese – or both is encouraged
- confident and outgoing
- get as much information possible from people in the shortest amount of time, without annoying them
An interactive Christmas story
December 2nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Article about XinCheJian on 3ders
November 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Hackerspaces in China.]]>
Hackerspaces at the China Mobile Developer Conference
November 7th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
All the hackerspaces were invited to participate in the CSDN Mobile Developer Conference
Getting ready the night before
Hackerspace and open source hardware took the biggest booth at the show. It’s over 70 sqm.

3D Printer from Beijing Hackerspace
ArduBlock on 70″ touch surface
Pretty big event: over 2000 attendents
Lots of visitors to the booth