Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/02/2012

February 6th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink


新年快乐, During the holiday the space will be open in the afternoons to evenings, if you are a member and want to make sure the space is open please send an email to [email protected] the space may or may not be open in the mornings as it will depend on who is around but the best way to check is to ask. Due to holiday people wishing to visit XinCheJian please check in first by emailing [email protected]

 Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  •     Adhoc wednesday

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

format change: It’s adhoc night, put your stuff on the table you wish to talk about! it can be anything, it’s a real great way to introduce yourself.  

Project City

February 2nd, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink

Metropolis“. More about the project will be in the wiki soon as we just begun. Today we built the table where the city will be installed. IMG_6316 IMG_6317 IMG_6321 IMG_6315 IMG_6329 The project will be a fusion of 3D projection and robot hardware combined with mechanics and interactive components. This project is open for all members with interest. There will be a huge part in 3D mapping/projection and this content has to be created too. The robotics and mechanical part will include Arduino based hardware for the movements, communication between the central computer and the city and interface for interactive components. If you think you could help with something then just let us know.  ]]>

X-Bot in following mode

January 24th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

Build your own X-Bot in Xinchejian If you want to support the X-Bot, buy a couple of them or just help to develop it further then please go to and see more details there.]]>

I'm a brave robot – Workshop @ XinCheJian – 1/20/2013

January 23rd, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

brvrbt_workshop_00 brvrbt_workshop_01 brvrbt_03 brvrbt_workshop_04 ]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 16/01/2013

January 16th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 09/01/2013

January 9th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

RoboRacing – Bragging rights

December 16th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

Bragging rights, well deserved, the winner of this years Autonomous racing championship is EdwardRF with his entry XHD, a 10 second car that flew around the track, sticking like glue to the ground, nimble and hightech in one.

5 competitors competed for best time in time trials on the track for 2012, but only one would win. first up on the track was “Icecream Breaker” which unfortunately didn’t make it off the starting track.


The second contestant was Charlie “wallbanger” famed for it’s uncanny desire to hit every wall in the past, for this year it had an upgrade, 2 Sharp IR range sensors a powerful microservo, a high current motor driver all on top of an arduino nano built right into the original platform, he was no longer a wallbanger but a high powered racing car which clocked in at 7seconds in testing on the same course but different surface. Charlie set the time to beat at 14.62 seconds

XHD time to roll around, with a tough 14.62 seconds to beat, it started out on the track for 1 flawless lap, unfortunately the second lap was not as great, but it did clock in at 10.25seconds. this was the highest tech vehicle to race, PID controllers, wickedly expensive racing platform, 3 Sharp IR range sensors, 1 nano, 1 703n, 1 micro servo, 1 high power motor for the quad wheel drive-shaft with differential driving allowing it to take corners like no ones business.

With a little intermission Cherokey was ready to try again, this 4 wheel drive platform from dfrobot needed a little more time to work out the bugs but it was a great start, it could turn 360° on the spot! equipped with 4 Basic IR sensors, 4 powered wheel drive shaft and a nice base, unfortunately it’s fastest time on the track was 25.02 seconds with 1 collision making it 35.02 seconds.


With man behind the wheel in the only entrant into the User controlled group Stanley clocked in with Loader Shovel with 31.96 seconds, not a good start for human controlled. anyway he won by default.

Lio finally entered in with the Lone Ranger – unfortunately time and a new platform didn’t work out for him, it was a good show of walloping wall-banging!.

in winner takes all, EdwardRF took home the prize of 500rmb 🙂 congratulations to EdwardRF, if you would like to challenge him, make sure you have a 10 second car or you’ll be paying the price of loosing to the champion.


Paper Circuit

October 15th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

活动时间: 10月20号(周六)下午2~4PM 活动地点: 上海新车间: 上海市长乐路1035号2楼(长乐路,乌鲁木齐南路路口)地铁7号线出来步行10分钟即到) 活动收费: 每个孩子:100元(陪同大人免费),通过新车间网站报名 90元(点击活动报名链接即可报名) 最大报名人数:15个孩子 报名链接:, 填好报名表格(Registration Details)表格的相关信息,然后点击表格下面的“Submit”按键,既完成网上报名。我们强烈建议家长们在网上预先报好名,因为空间面积有限,最大只能容纳15个家庭,因此参加活动将以网上报名的优先。如果您的孩子这次没有报上名,我们将根据报名情况以后再开workshop满足要求。多谢理解。 其他要求: 孩子年龄:最好6岁以上,操作过程中可能会使用到剪刀,需要家长帮助。 新车间是一个共享空间,有很多其他人的电子作品和电器工具,为了您和您孩子的安全,请仅在我们活动的区域活动,不去触碰其他作品和不安全的区域。我们会在活动中有专门集中介绍新车间的部分。谢谢您的理解 注: 纸电路(paper circuit)是美国MIT 互动媒体实验室开发的互动电子电路。此次活动得到了发明人 Jie, Qi的指导和准许。再次,也感谢MIT Media Lab和Jie, Qi的无私奉献和指导。 [gallery order="DESC" columns="1"]]]>

Campus Party Berlin

August 25th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink looks quite busy and we really did build some robots from scratch there. We also got some robots to show off. I brought Chopstick Junior and ALF, the analog line follower (it’s selling good). Others brought a telepresence bot, 3D printer and simple fun bots. [caption id="attachment_3776" align="alignnone" width="300"]The nerd table The table looks familiar?[/caption]]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/08/2012

August 22nd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

A feature packed Wednesday planned for this week, from @aGuegu to Ben Houge to China Haxlr8r Folks, as always come along and buy a beer or soft drink and listen to some great presentations, finished with a round of do-nothing-but-chat or build-something-awesome you decide! 7-9pm dont be lame, hit the hackerspace on your way home!

nixie tubes by aguegu Weihong Guan (@aGuegu) a fellow hacker and researcher will be presenting his projects this evening, from Nixie tube heaven from the 70s to showing off his amazing 8x8x8 led cube, this guy makes his living by selling his inventions which can be found all over the internet. His awesome 8x8x8 cube kit will dazzle anyone and is the perfect table top conversation piece, with integrated arduino in a tiny tiny form factor driving 512 LEDS! plus 4 more for fun!
Cyril Ebersweiler started the, a hardware accelerator program based in Shenzhen. Haxlr8r people will come visit on Wednesday afternoon and hopefully stay to the evening, there is a high chance that Cyril will not be able to stay as him and his wife are currently expecting a new hacker in the family. Ben Houge, with 16 years of experience developing video games, including 4 years at ubisoft shanghai working on Tom Clancy’s EndWar, he will be teaching the MAX/MSP workshop this weekend at xinchejian on saturday (, a tool in which he creates most of his musical mayhem, i’ve seen this guy present before, and wow, quite the experience. he currently teaches in Boston area, where he teaches video game music at Berklee College and is also working on a research project with MIT on musicological analysis.

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