Squishy Circuit Workshop Recap

February 26th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Sunny demonstrates how to “cook” the circuit.

Cute Kuma (bear) with LED necklace.
Joshua’s storm trooper?
Dino from one of the kids.

Squishy circuit

February 4th, 2012 § 5 comments § permalink

Attribution: Crazy dough (squishy circuit) is the product of the American University of St. Thomas University UST Design Lab AnnMarie P. Thomas, professor and her team developed and used to help children quickly and securely visual learning circuit. Thank AnnMarie P. Thomas and her team around the world to share the results of this teaching, but also thanks to Squishy Circuits, project Matthew Schmidtbauer in the process of organizing this workshop to provide technical guidance. Text pictures from facebook and Squishy Circuits, the project’s website.]]>

Dorkbot: JUE + XinCheJian = Art + Technology

January 14th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

About XinCheJian 新车间是一个开放式社区,吸引并集聚了各方硬件高手,电子艺术家,设计师,DIY爱好者,以及所有喜欢动手捣鼓各种东西的人。在这个实验空间里,大家不仅可以和兴趣相投的人一起拆拆装装各种电子和物理产品,而且还可以共同实施一些好的设计和想法。 “新车间”与第4届《觉》音乐+艺术节将于2012年3月9日-25日共同为您呈现一次艺术与电子的碰撞盛宴,而Dorkbot即是这场盛宴的开胃菜。   What is Dorkbot? Dorkbot是一场艺术家,发明家,电子爱好者的“集会”,是一个轻松氛围下互相间交流作品,想法与技术的平台。2012年3月,新车间与《觉》会共同举办一个以“艺术与技术”为主题的Dorkbot,邀请来自《觉》的艺术家们,以及坐在电脑前的你一起。   Looking for Presenters 成为我们的Dorkbot活动发言人,你将可以:

  • 向大家展示你的作品,给予大家熟悉了解你的机会;
  • 结识志趣相投的朋友,组建自己的艺术(产品)团队;
  • 吸引对作品(产品)感兴趣的展出方或投资方。
除了Dorkbot上的发言,我们同样欢迎你来开办工作坊,以动手实干的方式让大家更加深入地了解你的作品和技术。 *请将您的发言主题与主题相关的作品(产品)发至:[email protected]; *请尽快联系我们,以便为您安排最佳时间日程。   Looking for Sponsors 赞助的形式可以是资金支持,或是硬件设备赠予。 成为我们的活动赞助方,您将可以:
  • 在“新车间”与“觉”的Dorkbot上向艺术家与电子爱好者展示您的技术与产品;
  • 通过举办工作坊的形式让艺术家与电子爱好者进一步了解您的技术与产品;
  • 近距离体察用户体验,及时获取到来自潜在用户的反馈信息;
  • 寻找未来的艺术或技术上的合作伙伴。
*获取更多信息,请发邮件至:[email protected]; *请尽快联系我们,以便为您安排最佳时间日程。]]>

Milkymist One video synthesizer

December 28th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

The Milkymist One team will do a presentation at XinCheJian on January 11th – register now!

Milkymist One is a video synthesizer to create real-time visual effects from live audio and video input. It can be used as a turnkey solution without any modification. No computer needed. But it doesn’t stop there. For more advanced and creative usages, Milkymist One also provides interfaces to:
  • MIDI devices/controllers
  • DMX512 input/output
  • OpenSoundControl clients
  • USB computer keyboard, mouse
  • Infrared remote control
The simple yet rich Flickernoise Patching (FNP) language allows any individual to create unique and personalized visual effects without requiring any computer programming experience.
Miikymist One can be used in Concerts, Performances, Clubs, Festivals, Installations, Parties, and more.
For hardware and software open source enthusiasts, Milkymist One is the choice of your new development ground.
Hardware features:
  • XC6SLX45 Spartan-6 FPGA
  • 128MB 32-bit DDR400 SDRAM
  • 32MB parallel flash
  • VGA output, 24bpp, up to 140MHz pixel clock
  • Multi-standard video input (PAL/SECAM/NTSC)
  • AC’97 audio
  • 10/100 Ethernet
  • Memory card reader that accepts microSD cards
  • Two USB-A receptacles that accept USB peripherals
  • Two DMX512 ports
  • MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports
  • RC5-compatible infrared receiver
  • RS232 debug port
  •  JTAG port
Software features:
  • Flickernoise VJ Application
  • RTEMS real-time operating system
  • YAFFS flash filesystem
  • Verilog HDL code for Milkymist SOC (LM32 CPU, MIDI, DMX, etc)
  • libpng, libjpeg, openjpeg and jbig2dec image decompression libraries.
  • freetype font rendering system.
  • MuPDF library for the online help system.
  • MTK, a modified version of the Genode FX embedded GUI toolkit.
  • liboscparse, a variant of liblo, for OpenSoundControl communications.
Milkymist One is a mutual effort from it’s designer Sébastien Bourdeauducq (http://lekernel.net/), the developers of qi-hardware community (http://en.qi-hardware.com/), and the technology designer and manufacturer Sharism at Work Ltd (https://sharism.cc/milkymist/).
You can find more about Milkymist One at:

Shyu Lee and XinCheJian

December 7th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Shyu Lee introduces himself to XinCheJian and talks about his presentation on Saturday.
Dear Entrepreneurs and Dream Weavers,
I am Shyu Lee, a company starter in Shanghai. I resigned from my previous job and started an electrical design service. It looks Google+ is having an increasing level in my social life, as it recently connected Ricky in my “Circle” and made me know XinCheJian. I feel so excited to know a big group of people here are doing innovative work together, that after visited here last weekend, I decided to do all of my best to cooperate with you guys and realize the wildly new ideas. I used to be working for an American company plotting and designing wireless IC products, and I am also good hand on embedded system design. During this Saturday, I am going to come to XinCheJian’s space to introduce DS1000E, an ARM+FPGA development platform, with its,
  • 120 MHz, ARM Cortex-M3 based STM32F207 MCU of great power for controlling algorithms!
  • 1MByte On-Chip Flash, unleashes your ideas of programming!
  • 1MByte SRAM and 128MByte records whatever you want to collect!
  • Altera EP3C16 FPGA awesomely glued with STM32 MCU brings extensive real-time logic and I/O expansion!
  • 4.3” TFT LCD brings PSP feeling and a geeky keyboard!
  • DM9000 100Mbps Ethernet connects your system with Internet!
I am standing with this development for XinCheJian, answering your questions and helping with your applications! By the meanwhile, I will
  • Donate one of the DS1000E development platform to XinCheJian,
  • Answer the questions from your guys,
  • And have a discussion about the applications and projects in XinCheJian.
For the future time, as I have promised, I will be a volunteer in XinCheJian, start with,
  • Provide technical consultancy for designs with ARM, FPGA, analog, wireless, motor control and so on,
  • Help with identifying electrical components, give suggestion on purchasing, and provide discount information,
  • Actively join in the discussions of XinCheJian, help with the projects and contests,
  • Reply Emails of technical questions from senior members.
So, I’ll see you around!

Dec. 8th: Embedded Engineers Meetup

December 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.

Open Source General Purpose Software Radio Platform

December 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Meteroi came by the space and he wants to help with ARM/FPGA classes,  buying components, spare parts and providing some of his own hardware so members can experiment. His big project at the moment is software radio with hardware-acceleration. The hardware component will have a USB and/or Ethernet interface to PC to be compatible with GNURadio. Another similar project, from Microsoft, is SORA. His innovation is to provide an higher performance hardware solution; while other solutions rely on computers for processing and ADC/DAC interface to do the data acquisition, he has everything done in hardware. He’s currently looking for a supportive university or other organization to support his work full-time for 3 to 5 years so he can focus on software integration and hardware improvements. You can read the proposal “An Open Source General Purpose Software Defined Radio Development Platform” (note that the project name will be changed because of trademark conflict). He’s also really interested in space communication; one of his project is to bounce a radio signal off the moon. Radio communication with space will be very useful to communicate with our space robots as part of the 100YSS project. He’ll be giving a class on ARM and FPGA at XinCheJian Saturday December 10th using his own development platform, DevStation 1000E. He will be leaving one development station for members interested in getting some practical skills after the introductory session at XinCheJian (Register Now!)]]>

An interactive Christmas story

December 2nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Take line 6 and exit at Jin Qiao station #3, cross the road and head into the courtyard to the red boxes, best to view it from 4pm onwards.]]>

XinCheJian on Usable Devices

December 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Usable Devices (“Devices that work, those that don’t and those that need to be created!“) has already some interesting writing on its blog with both technical articles such as an attempt to build a robot for the next roborace, a flattering article towards XinCheJian with a profile of two out of the three founders (the other being of course Min Lin Hsieh) and a report on the presentation from MakeSense at the last Wednesday Open House. Always interesting for us to get an outsider perspective to our space and insights in more of the local projects!]]>

Homemade arcade cabinet

November 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

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Lio just finished getting the wood plate for the joysticks and buttons. He’s showing off the hacked TV driven by a Commodore 64 to generate a mirror image that can be itself “projected” on a mirror. He still has some work to do to wire everything up and make the case nicer, but the hard part is over. Interesting factoid: the speaker at the right is hiding a broken piece of the mirror!


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