XinCheJian Roborace | 新车间机器车赛 – April 12th

April 1st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 424px-ROBORACING-500x700 Sign Up 报名参加 Time:Sunday April 12th, 2:30pm – 5pm. Here are a few teasers to the new “line followers” being built.. Excuse the Cheap editing. 🙂 Schedule: 2:30pm – 3pm: Testing and try run 3pm – 5pm: Race!!! Rules: ]]>

XinCheJian Insectbot Workshop 新车间虫虫机器人工作坊-Dec 13th

November 28th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_428078772 Register 报名参加 Time: Dec. 13th Saturday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm Price: 250rmb for xcj members;300rmb for nonmembers Come build your world-destroying INSECTBOT. Audience: any person aged from 5 ~ 99 interested in robotics 😉 Bring your own notebook The Insectbot kit includes the following: - Arduino board - 2 Servo - 1 infrared sensor - Other materials for the robot structures ]]>

Insectbot Workshop 虫虫机器人工作坊 - Nov. 1

October 6th, 2014 § 7 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 insectbot_workshop_201311 Register 报名参加 Price: 250rmb for xcj members;300rmb for nonmembers Come build your world-destroying INSECTBOT. Audience: any person aged from 5 ~ 99 interested in robotics 😉 Bring your own notebook The Insectbot kit includes the following: - Arduino board - 2 Servo - 1 infrared sensor - Other materials for the robot structures ]]>

XinCheJian Robot Monday 新车间周一机器人日

September 6th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 OnlineStore.Box_.20130614h 报名参加 Register Are you interested in robots, programming, 3d printing or simply play and have fun making? Well start your week with this cool technology, open to everyone. No initial knowledge required. Come and learn how to make robots with hardware kits and PCB boards based on arduino, 3d print for custom parts; join us every Monday from 7pm. The Robot Monday group will be hosting a free exploring workshop for XinCheJian members only from 5pm to 7pm on September 8th, prior to group meetup. Become a XinCheJian member learn about robots.

机器人工作坊 MultiploRobot Workshop – July 5th

June 24th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink

0088 Register 报名参加 Time: July 5th,10am – 1:30pm 时间:7月5号星期六,上午10点-下午1点半 Workshop fee: rmb250 pay onsite (rmb200 pay online) 工作坊费用:现场支付250元(网上支付200元) Age: 10+ years who is interested in robots 年龄:10岁以上且对机器人感兴趣 Robot material fee: 机器人材料费用: Option A – borrow for free, but need to return it at the end of workshop 选项A – 免费借用老师材料 Option B – 500RMB pack, and take home your own robot 选项B – 购买500元的套件,工作坊后可带回家自己制作的机器人 ***Materials to bring: windows os pc ***请携带安装Windows系统的笔记本 Multiplo是专门为了能够简单快速搭建机器人而专门设计的开源工具套件。学生可以使用遥控器但是也可以使用Arduino或者ArduBlock图形化工具对控制器进行编程,来对机器人进行控制。Multiplo的组装非常简单,而且可以轻易扩展,轻松学习机器人知识 Workshop Content: 工作坊内容: theory about robots 学习机器人基本概念和原理 free assembly workshop 机器人部件组装 robot testing with remote control 机器人遥控操作 programming robots workshop 机器人代码编程 testing and robot interactions 机器人互动控制操作]]>

Build your own sumo robot – April 13th (10am – 5pm)

March 19th, 2014 § 9 comments § permalink


Please sign up at the link under ‘upcoming events’ to the right of the website!!
Price: members RMB300 and nonmembers RMB400,  including the kits.
For people who would like to join the SUMO robot races but have no idea how to start building their own robot have now their chance to join… The Build your OWN sumo robot workshop.
  • During the workshop you will be provided will all the necessary materials.
  • A guide will be presented showing the major steps of how to complete your SUMO robot.
  • And hands-on help during the day
During the day you will be busy soldering, drilling, cutting, gluing and all the other necessary  work involved to get your robot wrestling in the sumo ring.
No experience with Arduino is required but is a plus.
You can join this workshop individually or with a friend (strongly suggested if you’re an absolute beginner due to the limited time)

Robo Racing – Sunday 7th – 1pm – 3pm @ Shanghai Library 3rd floor

July 1st, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

delete_IMG_0023-300x225 Ladies and gentleman! start your engines, we’re hosting the XinCheJian Autonomous robo-racing at the Shanghai Library on the 3rd floor THIS Sunday XinCheJian’s Toughest robot challenge is about to begin, Autonomous Robo racing, all based on sensors and time on the race track, from 1pm – 3pm we’ll be racing at shanghai library and competing for the fastest time on the track!]]>

Group Buy – Doodle bot and competition

May 17th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink Lutz a long time member of XinCheJian has contacted them since we’re in china and negotiated a great deal if we do a group buy, our target.. at least 20 pieces and our price.. 198rmb/each if you want to get a doodle bot and not participate in the competition instead that’s fine! but if you want to get in on the competition, then it’s even more awesome! here is more information about the competition: Sign up to the XinCheJian google group (email,  Send an email to  titled “programming competition” with the words “i Pledge to buy X amount of Doodlebots if we succeed in our group buy” then get ready to send 198rmb to a group buy alipay account or drop into XinCheJian and hand over the cash to a staff member!  Lets put a deadline of May 22nd on this so we can hack the doodlebot sooner than later. Do not transfer or pay until Lutz gives us the word via email and verify it by checking website. Once the pledge is made, you’re on the hook for the cash!]]>

City project new video

February 10th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink


Project City

February 2nd, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink

Metropolis“. More about the project will be in the wiki soon as we just begun. Today we built the table where the city will be installed. IMG_6316 IMG_6317 IMG_6321 IMG_6315 IMG_6329 The project will be a fusion of 3D projection and robot hardware combined with mechanics and interactive components. This project is open for all members with interest. There will be a huge part in 3D mapping/projection and this content has to be created too. The robotics and mechanical part will include Arduino based hardware for the movements, communication between the central computer and the city and interface for interactive components. If you think you could help with something then just let us know.  ]]>

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