Lutz a long time member of XinCheJian has contacted them since we’re in china and negotiated a great deal if we do a group buy, our target.. at least 20 pieces and our price.. 198rmb/each
if you want to get a doodle bot and not participate in the competition instead that’s fine! but if you want to get in on the competition, then it’s even more awesome!
here is more information about the competition:
Sign up to the XinCheJian google group (email [email protected]), Send an email to [email protected] titled “programming competition” with the words “i Pledge to buy X amount of Doodlebots if we succeed in our group buy” then get ready to send 198rmb to a group buy alipay account or drop into XinCheJian and hand over the cash to a staff member! Lets put a deadline of May 22nd on this so we can hack the doodlebot sooner than later. Do not transfer or pay until Lutz gives us the word via email and verify it by checking website.
Once the pledge is made, you’re on the hook for the cash!]]>
this week we want your 5rmb at the door, that money is going straight into the donation box
Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
XinCheJian is turning 3 this month, join us for a wild party @ the space mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – members can bring 1 guest, but please let us know if you are coming (for food and drink orders) by signing up here
Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
two new groups formed in the last 7 days, with quantified self and also creative programming.
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
诸晓鸣 – Blind PHP/C++ Programmer making games (CN)
Matthew DeBlock – DScript – a new form of writing (EN)
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
诸晓鸣 is Visually impaired, self taught to program in C++ and PHP and works to improve accessibility across computers for others in the same situation, from text to speech and information accessibility development and builds games!
Matthew DeBlock has invented his own writing style that looks like a script language however it encodes roman alphabet, if anyone has designed a font before, now imagine how hard it is to design an entire writing style!]]>
The creative programming meeting aims to bring together everybody who is interested in programming.
In the first meeting we hope to find the tools to use to gather our knowledge to be able to realize together a project. All participants will have an opportunity to give a brief description of their idea (and occasionally we will breakout into smaller groups based on shared interests)
In previews discussions people expressed their interest in Visualising data with D3.js:
Or highlighted the simplisity of paper.js:
It seems to be easy to connect javascript to everything which understands OSC in one or another way:
or we do something totally different:
Time: Monday, March 18 at 7PM
Location: Xinchejian – 1035 Changle Lu, 2nd floor, Near Wulumuqi Lu – 长乐路1035号2楼,近乌鲁木齐路
Congratulations to those that built a 3D printer on the weekend with @Lucio鲁修
Lots of announcements this week, where to start:
From next week we’re going to ask you for 5rmb at the door for non-members, sign up on the night as a member and get your 5rmb back!
Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now,
it’s XinCheJian’s 2nd anniversary this month, join us for a wild party @ the space – mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – we need help, we need your help – a BIG cake for XinCheJian’s birthday – feed 50+ people, you can make one or help organize one!
Robot racing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
Make+ is gaining traction, email us to find out how you can get involved.
Summary for Wednesday
We need your support this week, we have 2 fragile live demonstrations, dont touch! just look
Daedalus City project is an exciting project emerging from XinCheJian with a live demonstration wednesday evening with robots, lights, cameras and action! an amazing joint collaboration that is set to inspire you.]]>
In this workshop, you will learn how to make your own optical theremin. Optical theremin designed by Meng Qi, is simple to build yet very versatile, using lights to play music tones, very easy to play and fits every setup.
First you will learn the basic principle of the circuit – how it can make different sounds. After that, you will learn how to solder and assemble the parts step by step. Once you’re finished, there you are in the world of sounds! Start exploring!
In this workshop, you will learn how to make your own Crackle box – MoMoMo. MoMoMo designed by Meng Qi, the concept was first conceived by Michel Waisvisz and Geert Hamelberg in the 1960s, it is a small box with six metal contacts on top, which when pressed by fingers will generate all manner of unusual sounds and tones.
First you will learn the basic principle of the circuit – how it can make different sounds. After that, you will learn how to solder and assemble the parts step by step. Once you’re finished, there you are in the world of sounds! Start exploring!
In this workshop, you will learn how to make your own sound synthesizer – osc6. Osc6 mk2 designed by Meng Qi, is simple to build yet very verstile, can be harmonic or noisy, very easy to play and fits every setup.
First you will learn the basic principle of the circuit – how it can make different sounds. After that, you will learn how to solder and assemble the parts step by step. Once you’re finished, there you are in the world of sounds! Start exploring!