theNelson launches his first product

May 10th, 2014 § 5 comments § permalink

Human LED Human LED[/caption] So for those that might remember or have met theNelson, he dropped out of berkley by taking the thiel fellowship (resize the browser to see him on the right side) and has now released his first product of that, think social, think sharing, think music.. it’s all that in one! – If you are a member of XinCheJian contact for a discount code! theNelson is a special case, he joined XinCheJian in the early days on An Hua lu space, many many hours were given, he ran Designing your own PCB workshops which got a lot of people started almost 3 years ago, designed the first robo-racing shield that most still use and hack for other purposes and drops by as much as he can, he’s back mid may for a drop in to update us on how his new venture is going, oh, and i (Paul) still don’t think he’s 21! This is one small step for him in his future, we expect many many more! Here’s a few links and a funny photo i dug up:


Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 16/05/2012

May 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

=Wednesday Presenters= theNelson is back for a week, and he’ll be talking about RankBin and his Solar Charger. Team Swarmbots will be giving us a little update and a way to join the team. Axel aka Guttertec from FabLab, Cologne co-working space Will be giving us the insight into his latest projects and projects out of FabLab. Steve Dalton visiting from Gold Coast TechSpace ( in Australia will talk to us about their space and their projects. =Workshops= * Portraits of Makers Photoshoot! – 2012/05/24 Dress in your best birthday suit, round 2 of “stars in their eyes” by the Shanghai Strobist Group ( will be taking place, dont forget to bring your projects. Help us out and sign up so we know how many are coming * 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/06/24 Ladies and Gentleman it’s time to start your engines, keep a lookout on the wiki page for the latest line follower course, if you havn’t already built a car, Now is the time, for reference the track line is 1″ wide (same thickness as electrical tape) – Sign up if you’re racing]]>

Milkymist One video synthesizer

December 28th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

The Milkymist One team will do a presentation at XinCheJian on January 11th – register now!

Milkymist One is a video synthesizer to create real-time visual effects from live audio and video input. It can be used as a turnkey solution without any modification. No computer needed. But it doesn’t stop there. For more advanced and creative usages, Milkymist One also provides interfaces to:
  • MIDI devices/controllers
  • DMX512 input/output
  • OpenSoundControl clients
  • USB computer keyboard, mouse
  • Infrared remote control
The simple yet rich Flickernoise Patching (FNP) language allows any individual to create unique and personalized visual effects without requiring any computer programming experience.
Miikymist One can be used in Concerts, Performances, Clubs, Festivals, Installations, Parties, and more.
For hardware and software open source enthusiasts, Milkymist One is the choice of your new development ground.
Hardware features:
  • XC6SLX45 Spartan-6 FPGA
  • 128MB 32-bit DDR400 SDRAM
  • 32MB parallel flash
  • VGA output, 24bpp, up to 140MHz pixel clock
  • Multi-standard video input (PAL/SECAM/NTSC)
  • AC’97 audio
  • 10/100 Ethernet
  • Memory card reader that accepts microSD cards
  • Two USB-A receptacles that accept USB peripherals
  • Two DMX512 ports
  • MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports
  • RC5-compatible infrared receiver
  • RS232 debug port
  •  JTAG port
Software features:
  • Flickernoise VJ Application
  • RTEMS real-time operating system
  • YAFFS flash filesystem
  • Verilog HDL code for Milkymist SOC (LM32 CPU, MIDI, DMX, etc)
  • libpng, libjpeg, openjpeg and jbig2dec image decompression libraries.
  • freetype font rendering system.
  • MuPDF library for the online help system.
  • MTK, a modified version of the Genode FX embedded GUI toolkit.
  • liboscparse, a variant of liblo, for OpenSoundControl communications.
Milkymist One is a mutual effort from it’s designer Sébastien Bourdeauducq (, the developers of qi-hardware community (, and the technology designer and manufacturer Sharism at Work Ltd (
You can find more about Milkymist One at:

"Cooking" a product: 3 hungry hackers needed! (Chinese event)

December 13th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

  • “Cooking” session: Friday 16th December 2011 at 6:30pm
  • “Chefs”: 9 hackers, social entrepreneurs and designers.
  • “Kitchen”: XinCheJian hackerspace (address: Anhua Road No.76 suite 301, Changning District, Shanghai, near Jiangsu Road)
  • Ingredients: some fresh seasonal hardware components carefully selected by XCJ
  • Creative Fusion Cuisine to be cooked: A Creative Product Prototyping! EVENT FORMAT: Chinese event, 6:30pm- 10:30pm
    • 6:30pm:
      • who is XCJ?
      • who is MakeSense?
      • Event presentation
      • Q&A
    • 6:50 pm: chefs self introduction of 3 minutes each
    • 7:15 pm: team formation (3 teams of 3 people:1 hacker, 1 social entrepreneur and 1 designer per team)
    • 7:20pm : team building
    • 7:45pm : cooking > go!
    • 10:15pm : feedback (smiles, happiness and interviews)
    • 10:30pm: closing of the kitchen
    So for now: COOKING OR NOT COOKING,that’s the (real) question? …Isn’t it? 3 hungry hackers needed, to participate please contact]]>

    Open Source General Purpose Software Radio Platform

    December 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

    Meteroi came by the space and he wants to help with ARM/FPGA classes,  buying components, spare parts and providing some of his own hardware so members can experiment. His big project at the moment is software radio with hardware-acceleration. The hardware component will have a USB and/or Ethernet interface to PC to be compatible with GNURadio. Another similar project, from Microsoft, is SORA. His innovation is to provide an higher performance hardware solution; while other solutions rely on computers for processing and ADC/DAC interface to do the data acquisition, he has everything done in hardware. He’s currently looking for a supportive university or other organization to support his work full-time for 3 to 5 years so he can focus on software integration and hardware improvements. You can read the proposal “An Open Source General Purpose Software Defined Radio Development Platform” (note that the project name will be changed because of trademark conflict). He’s also really interested in space communication; one of his project is to bounce a radio signal off the moon. Radio communication with space will be very useful to communicate with our space robots as part of the 100YSS project. He’ll be giving a class on ARM and FPGA at XinCheJian Saturday December 10th using his own development platform, DevStation 1000E. He will be leaving one development station for members interested in getting some practical skills after the introductory session at XinCheJian (Register Now!)]]>

    Startup Sauna (Finland) @ XCJ

    November 19th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

    Startup Sauna is a “open source” organization from Finland. They do not provide funding but coaching (different from mentoring…). The delegation (from left to right in the picture) was made up of Jevgeni Peltola (specializing in doing business in Russia), Antti Ylimultka (Startup Sauna Wingman) and Peter Vesterbacka (Rovio Mighty Eagle – they’re opening an office in Shanghai). They want to create a startup hub in Helsinki by inviting selected startups internationally to come and spend 8 weeks in Finland in an intense marathon. They’re looking for ideas that can work globally and good teams. Expect a warm-up event in Shanghai at the beginning of 2012! IMG_20111118_105738-1]]>

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