2021 Update

January 4th, 2021 § 0 comments § permalink

XinCheJian has moved from its old location at the end of December 2020, the new location from this point forward is:

HuiDe Mansion,
15/F (take the elevator to the 13th floor and walk up),
65 Huangjiaque Road,
Huangpu district,

上海 上海市 黄浦区,

Most of the updates for the last year have moved to WeChat, please follow XinCheJian on WeChat

自制新车间:荧光衣 | XinCheJian DIY: Fluorescent dance cloth

November 9th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

自制新车间 | XinCheJian DIY XinCheJian DIY is a platform to show XinCheJian members’ projects. At the same time, people that’s interested can buy DIY kits or projects directly through this platform at a reasonable price. We guarentee that this is not a platform that accepts all the products. All the projects must be coming from XinCheJian members! 本周推荐:荧光舞道具服 | This week recommendation: Fluorescent dance cloth dancee Electronic-dancing-cloths: Cloths that have lights shining with rhythm . They can create an amazing atmosphere, and help dancers to do what will never be done without the help of the lights How did this project happen: This project comes from a XinCheJian high school memebr. It first occured to him to design this when he saw a cool dance on a school event. After he designed it, the dance club adopted it to the dance, and successfully used for a lot more school events. Materials: Clothes , trousers ,batteries , Arduino and hot glue gun, ELlight string : 5m*2 , 2m*1(freefor colors), aset of driver and wire, 12Vbattery box*3(forfree , you can use the 8*1.5V battery which is on the driver if you don’t wantto do any operations on the driver , but 8 batteries will make the clothesheavy), relay*1 dance2 Way to DIY: First , use glue gun to stick the light string onto the clothes as you like . Make sure that you stick the light string as the shape of muscle to make the dance more attractive . You can get more light strings in order to change your clothes’ colors you like . dance3 Then , put the relay in to the circuit . you can get the information about the relay on this website It is just a simple example. And the material we give is only enough to have one combination of colors so you only need one relay. If you’re interest in making or purchasing this, you can scan QR code below to find out more info. danceqr]]>

Arduino入门之自动浇花系统搭建 11月20日

November 9th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Huodongxing: 上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 课程介绍 随着人们生活节奏的加快,即使是最爱的花草浇水也无暇顾及,偶而出差、旅行、探亲也是很正常的事情,而家中花草谁来管理? 花草生长问题80%以上是由花儿浇灌问题引起;好不容易种植几个月的花草,因为浇水不即时,长势不好,用来美化家园的花草几乎成了“鸡肋”;因此我们为广大DIY爱好者,开发了一款可以自己编程,设置参数,自己动手组装的基于Arduino的自动浇花控制器,使用土壤湿度传感器对土壤湿度进行监测,通过温湿度传感器对室内温度、湿度进行测量,控制水泵或电池阀进行浇水,从而达到自动浇灌的目的。 此课程是基于Arduino的自动浇花套件,用户可以自己编程实现更多的功能,例如智能家居,物联网等。相关文档中提供全面的套件组装教程和调试软件,您完全不用担心安装的问题。


技术规格: ·      输入电源:6-12V ·      支持湿度传感器和碳棒检测土壤湿度 ·      支持潜水泵和双稳态电磁阀浇水 ·      具有室内温度和湿度检测 ·      具有土壤湿度阀值调节 ·      具有4个模拟口,5个数字口 ·      支持xbee无线数传 ·      支持USB接口下载程序 ·      具有DC2.1和接线柱电源接口 ·      潜水泵额定电压:3.5-12V ·      潜水泵最大扬程:200cm ·      模块尺寸:70 x 60mm ·      支持防水型DS18B20温度传感器 清单: ·      Free Life自动浇花系统控制器          1个 ·      Micro USB线                                      1根 ·      DHT11温湿度传感器                            1个 ·      土壤湿度传感器                                     1个 ·      模拟接口转数字接口传感器连接线     2根 ·      潜水泵 1个(注意:潜水泵必须在水中使用,不能露出水面!) ·      潜水泵电源连接线                                 1根 ·      主板电源连接线                                    1根 ·      橡胶水管                                                1米 ·      塑料外壳                                                1个 ·      2mm一字螺丝刀                                   1个 ·      1号十字螺丝刀                                      1个 ·      电子文档上位机软件                            1份  


预计课程持续2~3小时 1、什么是Arduino以及arduino智能硬件平台应用 2、电路基础和简单编程知识介绍 3、自动浇花系统电子元器件介绍,包括控制模块,传感器等。 4、指导学生动手搭建 5、搭建完后指导调试以及参数设置与修改 6、点评与总结 要求: 8岁以上,小朋友最好有家长陪同。 笔记本电脑,预安装Arduino(https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software  )和Eagle( http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download-eagle/freeware/) 时间: 11月20日,14:00 – 17:00 价格: 新车间会员:300/人,新车间非会员:350/人 套件:300/人 报名请扫描二维码,或点击阅读原文。更多问题发送邮件至chris@xinchejian.com]]>

学习使用MATLAB 11月13日 | Learn how to use MATLAB November 13

November 9th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Huodongxing: 上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Time: 14:00 – 16:00, Sunday, November 13th Personal Biography: Biggerlab, set up in 2015, is devoted to cultivating talentswith STEM accomplishments for China. Bigger lab owns a team of first-ratementors and provides a whole set of sci-tech education course including Arduinohardware development, IOS programming, data visualization, VR virtual reality,etc. Biggerlab takes effort to cultivate scientific quality of Chinese studentswith zero basis in order to make them standing out from global competitions infuture. Workshop description: MATLAB is a programming language that is used by engineersand scientists for mathematical computations, including, but not limited to,matrix manipulation, plotting of functions and data, implementation ofalgorithms, and a graphical representation of the manipulation of sound andlight signals. MATLAB can be used to make higher-level mathematics a lot easierfor all purposes including calculus and statistics. In this workshop, you willlearn the basics of MATLAB. The goal of this workshop is to teach you How to simulate the sound of a musical instrument using MATLAB.Biggerlab will be providing the MATLAB program to install and experiment withits features. -Intro to MATLAB/Basic arithmetic and calculations usingMATLAB Manipulating vectors, basic MATLAB functions -Plotting of signals and statistics using MATLAB The difference between continuous-time signals,discrete-time signals, and sampled signals, and how to plot them using MATLAB;basics of convolution using graphs to generate new types of signals -Difference Equations How to plot multi-variable functions on MATLAB, determine ifit is linear, -Other functions available for higher mathematics Ellip function, freq, length, plot, how to design a low-passfilter for clearer audio, dtft command -How to simulate the sound of a musical instrument as a sumof cosine signals Using the Karplus-Strong system of equations for a gain,delay, and low-pass filter to plot on MATLAB a digital plucked-string sound -Removing an echo from a recording of a speech signal Creating the echo signal, removing the echo, and thenestimating the echo’s parameters Instructor info: Lathika, Indian by blood and heart, Lathika grew up in the ever-busycity of Shanghai. She is currently a senior at NYU Shanghai getting a major inElectrical Engineering and a minor in Natural Science, and one day she hopes tocombine her technical knowledge with her interest in serve and internationalaffairs. She has previously been involved in projects titled “GestureRecognition using Accelerometers” and “Design of a Two-Stage BJT Class AAmplifier”, and done five graduate-level courses in Electrical Engineering. Hersenior design project for NYU Shanghai aims to focus on the power consumptionof the NYU Shanghai building and the implementation of green technology oftheir Academic Building. Other than technology, she is also interested inwriting as has served as the staff writer and editor, and is currently theManaging Editor, for NYU Shanghai’s student newspaper, On Century Avenue.   Fee: XinCheJIan member: 260 / person; Non-member: 300 / person.If you have questions, please send Email to chris@xinchejian.com. Please bring your laptop while attending the workshop!]]>

Unity3D入门 11月12日 | Intro to Unity 3D November 12th

November 9th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Huodongxing: 上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Alan is a Senior Solutions Architect at frog design. Normally he’s advising companies on software architecture and technology strategy, but at the weekends he’s busy writing games, prototypes and interactive art, these days using Unity. He’s been programming games for over 20 years. What can Unity do? Unity is used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. Unity3D是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity类似于Director,Blender game engine, Virtools 或 Torque Game Builder等利用交互的图型化开发环境为首要方式的软件。其编辑器运行在Windows 和Mac OS X下,可发布游戏至Windows、Mac、Wii、iPhone、WebGL(需要HTML5)、Windows phone 8和Android平台。也可以利用Unity web player插件发布网页游戏,支持Mac和Windows的网页浏览。它的网页播放器也被Mac widgets所支持。很多游戏设计师,用Unity3D来设计VR游戏。 Workshop Description During this 2.5 hour session, we will learn the basics of Unity by writing a simple physics-based game Workshop structure 工作坊结构 1. Introduction 2. What is Unity and how it compares to other game engines 3. Unity fundamental concepts – Scenes and GameObjects 4. Game Physics 5. Your first script 6. Managing Game State 7. An overview of more advance Unity concepts (animation, lighting, particles) This workshop can help you 工作坊能做什么 – know what Unity can be used for – understand how to write a simple game – understand where to go next on your path to writing games In order to attend you should 工作坊准备: – at least know what a for loop is – installed Unity on a computer you bring with you – this is a hands on lesson – download unity here: https://store.unity.com/download?ref=personal The class will be taught in English only. Time 时间: November 12th, Saturday, 14:00 – 16:30 Location 地点: XinCheJian, East Yuyuan Rd, Number 28, Building 3 (Near to Tongren Rd) / 愚园东路28号3号楼1层 Fee 费用: XinCheJian member: 300/person Non member: 350/person Non member plus one month membership: 400/person]]>

Project Spotlight: Hover Pen/Hover Train

November 8th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Ivan suspends 100g with YCBO levitation[/caption] For the past two months, Sean Purser-Haskell and Ivan Tchekashkin have been developing practical demos to showcase superconductor technology. Using YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) cooled by liquid nitrogen to -196 degrees Celsius, they’re able to levitate magnetic materials. They’ve applied this special property to create what they call the “Hover Pen” – a white-board with a marker that writes on its own; and the “Hover Train” – a scale model transit system that suspends superconductor-enabled train cars with a magnetic rail. [caption id="attachment_8078" align="alignnone" width="454"]hoverpenteam From left to right: Maciej Dudek, Danny Kuo, Ivan Tchekashkin, Sean Purser-Haskell[/caption] At last Wednesday’s open house the team demonstrated the “Hover Pen” to a mesmerized crowd. hoverpenytscreenshot Although it’s easy to use YBCO to levitate small magnets in place – a simple physics demonstration – scaling this property is another story. You quickly encounter problems when asked to achieve a certain level of control, or to “levitate heavy things.” The duo have had to rely on more than just past education and work experience; they’ve had to consider plenty of electromagnetic theory and have frequently risked their fingers playing with magnets and liquid nitrogen. Although they’ve focused most of their time on issues with superconductor technology, they recognize that putting together the whole system required a large base of knowledge – most gained from past projects at Xinchejian. And without the contributions of Maciej Dudek and Danny Kuo, the demos wouldn’t have their clean form or peripheral functions. Their demos were showcased by a superconductor manufacturer at the China International Industry Fair this past week. Stop by Xinchejian and take a look at the (almost) finished products!]]>

智能机械臂制造工作坊 11月5日 | Robot Arm Workshop November 5th

October 25th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

智能机械臂制造工作坊介绍: 想动手制作一台神奇的机械臂吗?它能够画画、递东西、和您做游戏,快来看看“创客梦工厂”中的神奇工具“机械臂制作和编程”工具组吧,掌握了这套工具就能够制作出个性化的机械臂了,是不是很有趣呢! 培训课时安排及内容介绍: 第一课:机械臂安装和讲解 第二课:控制软件的安装和讲解 此次工作坊能帮助您: 1. 快速的制作一台机械臂 2. 体验梦想变成现实的成就感 3. 体验艺术创作的快乐 4. 增加想象力和创造力 5. 学会编程与控制 6. 通过创造来解决生活中遇到的实际问题 值得期待的: 本次工作坊的目标是帮助热爱机械的您制作一台属于自己的机械臂,通过编程和控制让它完成一些日常的工作,让我们像魔术师一样快乐的创造吧! 谁应该注册: 热爱电子和机械的您、活泼可爱对世界充满好奇的小朋友、对创客文化感兴趣的爱好者、想自己DIY一件智能产品送给亲人朋友的小伙伴,以及各个年龄段充满奇思妙想的朋友都适合参加本次工作坊,并且在动手创造的过程中将收获意想不到的喜悦和感动。 往期成果展示: screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-10-43-14-am 主讲人的联系方式: 如果有任何疑问可以选择以下几种方式与我取得联系 微信:archarry QQ:514248050 邮箱:archarry@qq.com 电话:15601786625 教学规模: 5-10人/期 时间: 2016年11月5日,6日 10:00 – 16:00 课程费用(包含一套机械臂材料): 早鸟价格: 两堂课,980/人(仅限5人,会员优先) 正常价格: 会员:两堂课,1100/人 非会员:两堂课,1200/人 报名请发送邮件至chris@xinchejian.com。]]>

DIY GPS Assisted Foldable Drone Oct 22 | 自制带GPS的可折叠式四轴飞行器 10月22日

October 18th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 diygps_oct22_16 About the instructor/老师简介 : I am Andrew, been in Xinchejian for a couple years now, currently a college student and an entrepreneur. Over the years my experience with electronics have left a couple proud creations, such as laser gun, DIY drone, tesla coils, and etc.  A year ago I successfully crowd funded design project Eggie, “The worlds most advanced night light” this has given me ample of experiences in research and design,prototyping, manufacturing, marketing and etc. All of which you are very welcome to ask me. 大家好,我是Andrew。在新车间有几年了,我现在是大学生/创业家。之前的电子背景让我做出很多有意思的东西,我最近在kickstarter上成功的众筹了一个设计产品。所以关于研发,销售,生产都有很多经验。 Workshop description/工作坊介绍: Most DIY drones suffer the lack of function, looks, and usability.   Rendering them to be always considered a toy. This GPS assisted foldable drone allows, the builder to fully experience the joy of flight, with its GPS position hold feature it can stay in air even if you don’t touch the controller.  Its aesthetically designed body is made out of carbon fiber composites for light weight and durability. The smart foldable frame of allows the user to take it where ever they want.   If you are interested, please join the workshop and experience the joy of creating your own flying drone! 大多数DIY无人机经常受限于其功能性、美观,及可用性使得这些产品总是被看作是一个玩具。GPS定位系统和可折叠机架可以让创客充分体验飞行的乐趣,不用再担心偏移方向或者失控的可能,并且随着GPS定位系统的功能性加入可以使得无人机在空中的悬停可以完全脱离遥控器。机体外部碳纤维材料使得无人机更具美观性,更轻,更坚固及耐用。可折叠机身设计使得创客在携带无人机时更方便。 diygps2_oct22_16 Workshop structure: Hour 0: Explaining the basic principles of the drone, such as its electronic systems, brief the physics behind how it files. Introduce the parts provided by me, and explain what each component does. 解释基本的无人机规则,电子系统以及电子元器件。 Hour 1: Start ofthe assembly 开始组装 Hour2: Changing the settings and preparing drone for flight 调试无人机 Hour 3: Testflight, and further adjusting 试飞和调试   Requirement: Over the age of 15, or accompanied by a parent. Bring computer, must be Windows operating system 要带电脑和热情, 低于15岁需要家人陪同. 带电脑。   Price: Members and first 5 non-member: 3799 rmb for the complete drone kit and lesson plan Non-member: 3999 rmb for the complete drone kit and lesson plan 会员和前五名非会员:全套套件和课程3799 人民币 非会员: 全套套件和课程 3999 人民币   Time/时间: 10/22/2016 9:00am   Disclaimer/免责声明: I am not responsible for any illegal or misuse of the drone. Please follow all regulation and rules of drones in China. I am also not responsible for any injuries that results from the drone, I will however discuss the dangers and what to be aware of while starting and flying. This is not a toy! 此工作坊,首先要求在严格的使用方法和组装等必要的模型技术的前提条件下,对出现的任何问题,我们只负责飞机本身,除此之外所造成的其它任何损失和伤害不负责. Sign up: Send Email to chris@xinchejian.com to tell her that you wanna make your own fabulous foldable drone! 报名请发送邮件到chris@xinchejian.com.]]>

Project Spotlight: Monuments for Progress

October 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Over a period of six months, architect/researcher Cédric Van Parys travelled to all the different corners of Shanghai, seeking the architectural landmarks that gloriously represent Shanghai’s breakneck progress since the early 1990’s. These urban centerpieces were located on top of the skyscrapers at the gravitational centerpoints of Shanghai’s rapidly expanding and merging districts. Climbing to the top of the numerous surrounding skyscrapers, he recorded (photographed and filmed) the crowns of each of these architectural landmarks. Working from Xinchejian, he has reproduced the landmarks into a series of associated prototypes. These 3D-printed physical scale models represent a radically different aesthetic perspective on Shanghai’s progress of the last decades. A first selection of the Monuments for Progress will be on show as part of the exhibition: Grain God’s Narrative at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel on the Bund – one of the city pavilions of the Shanghai Art Biennale. For more information, please visit: http://monumentsforprogress.altervista.org]]>

Kin interview

August 30th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

What else will be done? Kin plans to make a second version of his motion flight simulator. His second version will vary from the first in that it will have a 7 axis motion platform instead of the current 4. The current design only has 4 axis of freedom, one controlling the up and down movement, one for tilt, one for roll, and the bottom for the rotation. With the second design, it will include 3 new axis of freedom, a horizontal axis of freedom controlling left to right motion, one for the side to side movement, full degree of angle acceleration. The current also has a maximum tilt degree of 30 degrees. The new design has a maximum platform degree of over 60 degrees but for safety reasons, it will be capped at 60. This 7 axis motion platform will make the motion flight simulator more realistic. This new design is revolutionary because no one has incorporated all these components before. Version two will take approximately 4 months and Kin hopes it will be finished in November of 2016. He plans to have a workshop when finished and if people are interested, Kin would like to show have a “How to build a helicopter simulator” workshop but only if a lot of people are interested. After the completion of his version two, he will build a version 3 of his motion flight simulator which will take about 8 months after version two to complete. Kin expects it to be available around July of 2017. After version 3 and using the same concept and structural designs, Kin plans on building a robotic arm that can move as much as the human arm, up and down, rotating in every angle, and being able to push, pull, and lift. It will be able to go up and down while it rotates and up and down while it pushes. It can also stretch out and recompress. The most important quality of the robotic arm is that it will be able to lift a lot of weight. With the design that he has in mind, Kin expects the robotic arm to weigh about 60 kg, and stand about 400 mm. It should lift at least 40 kg and have 45 degrees of freedom on either side. The meaning of this application is that you can build very high precision applications with the robotic arm. Conventional robotic arm has all its connections on a gear box. The limit of the gear box, is very obvious and requires a lot of torque which is one downside. It is very difficult to give it precision when lifting heavy weights with conventional robotic arms Kin’s design takes that into consideration and is able to bypass the limit allowing his robotic arm to move and life very precisely. Kin has taught not only himself but 8 other students how to fly a helicopter with his simulation. They all have learned how to fly with 9 hours of land instructions, 1 hour on the flight simulator and 10 minutes with real helicopter flight. Kin still has many ideas and a lot more projects that he want to do in the future. He is a very resourceful and ambitious person. He seeks out knowledge by watching videos and going on Tao Bao and getting tips from the merchants on what parts to use and how to use it. He is very excited about the possibilities and applications of his innovations and hopes to help share his dream of flying to all those around him.]]>

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