上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 费用:200元;新车间会员享优惠价150元。含材料费。 耳机是我们日常用来听音乐的工具,但是,耳机本身也可以作为一门艺术来看待,有很多的学问可以去研究. 文件读取(转盘)+数模转换(解码器)+放大电路(耳放)+耳机=音乐。耳机是决定最终声音走向的最重要环节。一副高品质耳机是成为音乐发烧友的第一步! 本周末就来新车间亲手制作一副自己的高品质耳机吧!在动手的快乐中学习耳机工作原理,在学习的过程中体会动手的乐趣! 本次工作坊使用高品质单晶铜线+原装铜涡轮单元+精致外壳。喇叭单元的素质和听感都非常好,三频均匀清晰,低音强劲有力。玩游戏听音效,犹如现场。 Come to XinCheJian this Sunday morning to DIY your own high quality earphone! It’ll be a fun learning experience. Fee: 200rmb; 150rmb for xinchejian members. All material included.]]>
Introduction to Swift | swift入门工作坊 – Jan. 18
January 7th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 Fee: rmb200; for xcj member rmb150. Swift is a new programming language introduced by Apple in 2014 with the intent to gradually replace Objective-C. It allows developers to build applications for both OS X and iOS. In this class, you will learn the basics of Swift including built-in data types and data structures, control flow, basic input/output, error handling and more. Requirements: MacBook with Xcode 6.1 or later. You can download Xcode for free from the Mac App Store. ]]>
Introduction to Python | python入门工作坊
January 4th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 Python is one of the top 5 programming languages in the world by popularity. It is used by many of the big software companies including Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. In this class, you will learn the basic of the language such as the interactive console, data types, data structures, control flow, basic input/output, error handling and more. Requirements: Computer with Python 2.7 or later. If you have OS X 10.7+ it already comes preinstalled. ]]>
The Future of Computation & Knowledge: A Night with Stephen Wolfram
January 1st, 2015 § 18 comments § permalink
About Speaker: Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, technologist and entrepreneur. He has devoted his career to the development and application of computational thinking. 斯蒂芬•沃尔夫勒姆是一位杰出的科学家、技术专家和创业家。他的整个职业生涯都贡献在计算化思维的研发和应用领域中。 His Mathematica software system launched in 1988 has been central to technical research and education for more than a generation. His work on basic science—summarized in his bestselling book A New Kind of Science—has defined a major new intellectual direction, with applications across the sciences, technology and the arts. In 2009 Wolfram built on his earlier work to launch Wolfram|Alpha to make as much of the world’s knowledge as possible computable—and accessible on the web and in intelligent assistants like Apple’s Siri. 他在1988年发布的Mathematica*软件系统就已经对技术研究和教育发展产生了不止一代人的核心影响。他在基础科学领域的工作,被概括成他的畅销书《一种新科学》**,已经定义了一种主要的新型智能方向,其应用横跨科学、技术和艺术。在2009年,他在其早期研究的基础上推出了Wolfram|Alpha知识引擎,用以将全世界的知识尽可能地转化为可计算的形式,并通过网络和类似苹果Siri这样的智能助手让人轻松获取。 In 2014, as a culmination of more than 30 years of work, Wolfram began to roll out the Wolfram Language, which dramatically raises the level of automation and built-in knowledge available in a programming language, and makes possible a new generation of readily deployed computational applications. 在2014年,基于30多年的积累,沃尔夫勒姆开始推出Wolfram语言,能够在这种编程语言中利用其内置的知识引擎显著地提高自动化的程度,并能让下一代的计算型应用成为可能。 Stephen Wolfram has been the CEO of Wolfram Research since its founding in 1987. He was educated at Eton, Oxford and Caltech, receiving his PhD in theoretical physics at the age of 20. This is his first visit to China. 斯蒂芬•沃尔夫勒姆从1987年起创办Wolfram研究公司并任CEO。他曾在伊顿公学、牛津大学及加州理工学院学习,并于20岁的时候获得理论物理博士学位。这是他首次访问中国。]]>
Arduino工作坊之传感器篇 | Arduino Workshop with Sensors – Jan. 2015
December 23rd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 报名参加 Register Time: Jan. 3rd Sunday, 10:30am – 12:30pm. Fee: RMB150/session for XinCheJian members; RMB200/session for non XinCheJian members. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>
Gokit workshop | 机智云开源硬件gokit体验活动 - Dec. 28
December 23rd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 又一波福利送到! 12月28号周日上午机智云开源硬件gokit体验活动!机智云工程师现场进行案例讲解,参加者也可以尝试自己开发!会员免费! 机智云结合多年的智能家居开发经验,构建智能硬件自助开发平台,并自主研发了连接云端和微信的智能硬件开发板Gokit,以帮助想要生产智能家居的企业更好的理解物联网。 智能硬件设备接入云端后,机智云智能硬件开发平台免费为开发者提供智能硬件统计分析、硬件社交化、设备固件远程升级等服务,让开发者更好地跟踪设备使用情况,接入微信等社交网络,设备固件通过网络直接进行远程升级。开发者进入机智云后台通过快速的设备功能定义后,云端自动生成设备通信协议、虚拟设备、DemoApp以及手机端的SDK,只需简单集成即可完成一款智能设备开发,大大降低了智能设备开发的难度。GoKit内置了常用传感器以及各种元器件和扩展接口,结合机智云后台服务,智能硬件开发者可以快速地制作自己的智能硬件原型。 GoKit内置的元器件包括:温湿度传感器、红外线感应、电机、全彩LED灯,可根据实际项目要求搭配使用,也可以通过扩展接口接入其他元器件。机智云提供全套的云服务平台服务,将每一个元器件的功能及属性以数据点的形式添加到机智云后台,即可生成对应的MCU协议、根据协议文档指示即可完成MCU的开发。同时机智云还开源了10款常用智能硬件App。]]>
Introduction to Rhino | Rhino三维建模入门工作坊!Jan. 3rd
December 23rd, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 Special Treat for Christmas! Jan. 3rd Saturday, 14:00 onwards, Introduction workshop to Rhino 3D modeling software. FREE to XinCheJian members! Rhinoceros (abbreviated Rhino) is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) application software developed by Robert McNeel & Associates, a privately held, employee-owned company that was founded in 1980 in the United States. Rhinoceros is based on NURBS mathematical model, which focuses on producing mathematically precise representation of curves and freeform surfaces in computer graphics as opposed to polygon mesh-based applications). ]]>
Introduction to Intel Edison 体验工作坊:系列基础篇之“云”土壤 – Dec. 28
December 19th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 Time: Dec. 28 Sunday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Location: XinCheJian Please bring your computer, and a plant if you have one. Due to limited supply, each Edison board will be shared by two people! The Intel Edison development platform is the first in a series of low-cost, product-ready, general purpose compute platforms that help lower the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs of all sizes—from pro makers to consumer electronics and companies working in the Internet of Things (IoT). The Intel Edison development platform packs a robust set of features into its small size, delivering great performance, durability, and a broad spectrum of I/O and software support. Those versatile features help meet the needs of a wide range of customers. Angelo, engineer from DFrobot, is greatly inspired by this new development board and would like to share the experience with more makers at XinCheJian hackerspace. The ‘cloud’ soil project that will be shared at the workshop will use temperature and humidity sensors, LCD modules, and sensor extension boards. This workshop is for those with Arduino or raspberry pi programming experience, having knowledge of C language or any software development experience, or just interested in Intel Edison. ]]>
Basic Hydroponic System Construction 基础水培系统工作坊 – Dec. 21
December 7th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 报名参加 Register Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Sunday, Dec. 21. Fee: 150 RMB (for xinchejian members) and 200 RMB (non xinchejian members, including hand watered hydroponic system, watering bottle/spray, nutrients。 Description: If you know nothing about growing plants or what hydroponics is, this workshop is for you. This workshop will cover basic plant growing and hydroponic techniques that will allow you to understand and maintain one of the most basic hydroponic system types (hand watered container) with some of the lowest maintenance and resilient edible plants available. You will also learn how to assemble a basic hand watered container hydroponic system, and how to transplant seedlings into the system. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a functioning hydroponic system with live plants and the knowledge to keep them alive. After that, all you will need for success is patience and motivation! ]]>
Tesla Coil Speaker 音乐电弧-有趣的特斯拉线圈 – Dec. 7
December 1st, 2014 § 4 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Register 报名参加 Time: 14:00 – 17:00 Sunday, Dec. 7th. Fee: 300rmb; 250rmb for xinchejian members. Price includes all materials needed. Are you tired of those old black speakers that only just make sounds? Maybe sound reactive lights are just not enough to impress you? How about a Plasma Speaker? A plasma speaker is a device that generates an high voltage electrical arc that makes purple light and music! Without any speakers or any moving parts! Sounds too good to be true? Well, you’re wrong, the high voltage arc really does ‘sing’ by vibrating in the air. (Of course, you will need to give the device musical audio for it to work.) ]]>