July 5th, 2013 § § permalink
- All questions welcome
- We all share and help each other
- Make & hack stuff – anything!
…. one theme will be assistive devices as this covers a huge range of technology!
Anyone is free to suggest other themes!
All languages are welcome.
Proposed guidelines
- Display “Helper sessions” welcome sign – so people know were to come (don’t be shy !)
- Setup at one table/area – with chairs and clean workspace.
- Noisy discussions should move to another area, so main group can continue.
- Share and document – let other people know if you had a good time, or learnt something (or not)
- Ask for wiki account and how to use the wiki!
- You need to be a member
These sessions are intended to extend the always great help available at anytime at Xinchejian 🙂
Aim is to fit in between formal workshop Xinchejian learning and to give some relief to Xinchejian regular members as they often spend most of their time helping others.
THANKS for all the interest and support after Wednesday nights talk!
When:- Trial Thursday from 7:30 starting from 11th July. If any interest we can try other times, including weekends.
Where:- At
Cost:- Free, but members only (
100RMB per month, cheaper for longer periods)
Links – Early draft pages have been started on the wiki:-
Helper Sessions Assistive Devices These will be added to in coming days and weeks.
Note “Helper sessions” is a draft name – fits in with Maker, hacker, and also fits in with assistive technology. Any better suggestions?]]>
April 19th, 2013 § § permalink
July 11th, 2011 § § permalink
Participants last preparations:

Participants self presentation:


The Winners: Nelson Zhang (Autonomous Wall-E) and Michael Liao (Remote controlled Tank)A big THANK to Shanda Innovations for sponsoring 2 E-Book readers as prices for the winners!

Roborace Contestants and their Creators:

Thumbs up to all the participants for their great work! Thank you to Shanda Innovations for being our generous sponsor! Thank you to TimeOut magazine for featuring our event! Thank you to DFRobot and RoboticFan particularly Ricky Ye and Rocky for co-organizing this event! Thank you to XinDanWei for promoting our event! Thank you to everyone who visited us yesterday! Thank you to those who cannot come for your mental support! Thank you to Andi for the great poster and flyer design! Thank you to Paul for sponsoring the posters printouts! Thank you to Bindy for helping out on translations and selling drinks! Thank you to Michael for sponsoring his E-book for next competition and buying drinks to the participants! Thank you to John for helping out on event organization! Thank you to Airie for promoting the event on RenRen! Thank you to Min Lin for promoting, coordinating and organizing the event!
We’re planning to have the next Roboracing at the end of August, stay tuned!
July 8th, 2011 § § permalink
This event is open to everyone, please bring your friends and family! Register here.
The competition will be in 2 parts:
* Autonomous robot car racing
* Remote controlled robot car racing
==>Competition Rules<==
If you wish to become participant at the racing, please send email to: [email protected]
If you wish to become sponsor of this event, please send email to: [email protected]
Here’s some pictures of the last Roboracing event.
Registered teams:
Team 1: Lauren Pan (Toy car modification robot)
Team 2: Barry Xu (DIY robot)
Team 3: Daniel (2WD Mobile robot kit)
Team 4: Zhang Chen (Andriod control HCR)
Team 5: Jiang Gui Long/Wu Tao/Zhang Jie ( Android Control HCR)
Team 6: Rockets (Tank mobile robot)
Team 7: Unknown (LEGO mobile robot)
Team 8: Ricky Ye (HCR robot)
Team 9: Ricky Ng-Adam (Autonomous robot toy car – ART)
Team 10: Lutz Michaelis (Autonomous Beetleduino)
Team 11: Paul Adams (Hoverbot Hubert)
Team 12: Nelson Zhang (Autonomous Wall-E)
Team 13: Lionello Lunesu (LEGO mobile robot)
Team 14: David Li (Soccerbot)
June 20th, 2011 § § permalink
How to make music in Linux
Cross-compiling to ARM and Introduction to Panda board
Around 50 persons showed up even though it was raining like crazy outside! A big THANK to all the participants for their support!

June 3rd, 2011 § § permalink
XinCheJian is proud to host Dorkbot Shangahi #4 on Sunday May 29th. Dorkbot is a group of affiliated organizations worldwide that sponsor grassroots meetings of artists, engineers, designers, scientists, inventors, and anyone else working under the very broad umbrella of electronic art. The dorkbot motto is “people doing strange things with electricity”.
There were 4 artists who presented their work:
Wu Juehui // Juehui is a New Media Artist. In recent years, Wu Juehui operates on the potential interface between art and science, between body and media in close collaboration with research institutes for neural engineering, automatic control and computer graphics.

Harald Haraldsson // Harald is the founder of Wonwei and presented some of their latest work, he also talked about how creative coding can be applied to computational design.
Wang Changcun // Media artist based in Hangzhou, with works exhibited in China, France, Netherlands and Belgium. He talked about his creative process using Max/MSP, Processing, and Flash.
Jingni Wang // Media artist based in Shanghai. She graduated from China Academy of Art, Intermedia Art Department and has completed artist residencies in Netherlands, Belgium, and China. Jingni Wang presented her wearable computing project called Lover’s Instrument. She also talked about social sustainability.

More pictures

April 11th, 2011 § § permalink
Mitch Altman, Inventor of the famous TV-B-Gone, a remote control keychain that turns off TVs in public places. He is co-founder of Noisebridge, a San Francisco hackerspace, creator of the Brain Machine project in MAKE Magazine, gives workshops around the world on how to solder and make cool things with microcontrollers, and is CEO of Cornfield Electronics.
We’re very lucky to have Mitch visiting XinCheJian on April 17th and give a talk on Hacking Cool Things with Microcontrollers! Everyone can learn and have fun making cool things with electronics!
Please register here for the event.

March 21st, 2011 § § permalink
RoboPeak from Shanghai
We are so glad that RoboPeak, a robotic R&D team has agreed to be one of the speaking at our reopening event on March 26. We ran into this team founded in 2009 on Sina Weibo and are very impressed by what they are doing. We look forward to seeing their presentation.
Quoting from their web site:
RoboPeak is a research & development team in robotics platforms and applications, founded in 2009. Our team members are Software Engineers, Electronics Engineers and New Media Artists that all come from China.
RoboPeak develops both software and hardware, which include personal robotic platforms, Robot Operating System and related devices.
Our vision is to enrich people’s daily-life with the ever-changing development and innovation in robotic technologies.
From their blog, they are doing very impressive work with Arduino and Robotic. Here is a picture of their robot. Definitely check out the blog! Click on the image to read more about their works.
iPad controller
January 12th, 2011 § § permalink
IDEO模式: 山寨设计是创新的开放平台
时间: 2011年元月二十二日,下午两点到五点
费用: 30元/人
山寨是一个为草根创意阶级提供的开放式创新平台: 复制苹果, 诺基亚, 三星智能手机, 这些仿冒品由原产品改装而成同时加入了更吸引于中国消费者的设计. 山寨设计师为电子产品注入闪光点和关键元素.
其目的正是为了使产品在价格, 外观, 价值和用户需求上能接近普通消费人群. 山寨设计为国际公司向中国本土消费者介绍他们的品牌提供了一个机会, 他们也能借机观察中国本土文化如何作用于他们的产品, 如何相互磨合与适应.
这些公司怎样通过观察山寨设计来学习? IDEO 将分享他们对于这一重大领域的观点和方法学.
开放: 新单位CEO 刘妍介绍活动内容,演讲者, 来宾, 目标阐述
1. 山寨设计作为一种商业创新的开放平台- IDEO (15分钟)
2. 怎样山寨?
-Arduino – Flamingo EDA -20分钟
– Android –20分钟
-从原型到制作 – C2Tech –20分钟
参访新车间, 相互认识新朋友.
Shanzhai Design as an Open Platform for Business Innovation – Pattern from IDEO
Time: 14:00 – 17:00, Jan 22, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: 30yuan/person
Shanzhai is an open platform for grassroots innovation. Apple, Nokia, and Samsung smartphones get copied, but the knockoffs adapt the original designs in ways that appeal to Chinese customers. Shanzhai designers might add a flashlight, key in areas with unstable electricity.
The effect is to make products accessible to common folks in terms of price, aesthetics, values, and needs. Shanzhai designs are an opportunity for international companies to introduce Chinese consumers to their brands, and then observe how local Chinese culture adapts their offerings.
How might companies harness learning by observing Shanzhai designs? IDEO will share their perspectives and methodologies on these big questions for business.
Opening: Introduce the event, speakers, guests and talk about the goals, by Liu Yan(xindanwei)
1.IDEO: “Shanzhai as an open platform for innovation” – 15 minutes
2.How to Shanzhai?
– “Rapid prototyping” – IDEO – 30 minutes
– Tool of prototyping
– Arduino – Flamingo EDA – 20 minutes
– Android – – 20 minutes
-From prototype to production – C2Tech – 20 minutes
Part Two: Android prototype boards and tools demonstration Followed by a visit to Xinchejian and networking
January 7th, 2011 § § permalink
时间: 2011年元月十六日,下午一点到五点
费用: 免费
– 关于HC Robot
– 关于A.R.T.
Robot Contest Kick Off- Xin Che Jian Open House: the coming of entertainment robots
Time: 13:00 – 17:00, Jan 16, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: Free, Open house
Building robots is fun and building robots to race is doubling the fun! The era of robot building as hobby has come and we plan to celebrate the beginning of this era with a festive robot contest. At this Xin Che Jian open house, we will present a few home built robots and the plan for a contest for discussion. Come and see how you can get involved! If you are a parent, bring the kids! We are sure they will love the robots!
Robots on site:
– HC Robot: open source home help robots
– A.R.T.
Register for the event here]]>