November 25th, 2013 § § permalink
October 23rd, 2013 § § permalink
Hackerspace in the container!

Luts gave workshop on Insect Bots

The Snake!

Projects from Make+

Mengqi and his home made instruments


Urban Farming from Goodtochina

September 8th, 2013 § § permalink
We built a Pop Up Hackerspace in a container as part of the Make+ for accelerating Makers’ project through Art. This is first to be host at the Creative Carnival in Shanghai. It’s done and opened over the weekend! It has been a success attracting a lot of visitors interested in 3D printing, robotics and Maker Culture! People come to see projects by the local makers, take workshop on Arduino and 3D printing and having fun talking to the makers. The pop up hackerspace will start its journey around China after the Shanghai Maker Carnival on Oct 19-20.
Lining up to see Maker’s Works!

Vivi working her art on the container

Sumo Robot!

The Ham is here! Antenna went up!

Kids having fun with Sumo Robot!

Passing by taking photos of the space

Wonder of 3D Printing!

People working on their projects at the space

Nice skyscrapers of Pudong as backdrop

Night falls!

Vivi works wonder on the container

Two 3D Printer experts talking shop about new printer

Doraemon robot built by a team of 10 years old!

Flying machine!

Freda’s talking cat painting

Qichen’s brainwave and LED heart hack!


Hackerspace at night

Amazing view from the pop up hackerspace!

Trip plan

June 20th, 2013 § § permalink
February 24th, 2013 § § permalink
a comprehensive map of electronic markets in Shanghai
View 上海电子市场 in a larger map]]>
August 17th, 2012 § § permalink
August 12th, 2012 § § permalink
The system is still showing some sign of the young aquaponic system, a bit iron deficiency. Chelated iron has been added to improve that as well as a bag of coral skeleton is added as PH buffer.
December 22nd, 2011 § § permalink
December 3rd, 2011 § § permalink
“That’s Shanghai” with Gilbert on the cover.
June 3rd, 2011 § § permalink
XinCheJian is proud to host Dorkbot Shangahi #4 on Sunday May 29th. Dorkbot is a group of affiliated organizations worldwide that sponsor grassroots meetings of artists, engineers, designers, scientists, inventors, and anyone else working under the very broad umbrella of electronic art. The dorkbot motto is “people doing strange things with electricity”.
There were 4 artists who presented their work:
Wu Juehui // Juehui is a New Media Artist. In recent years, Wu Juehui operates on the potential interface between art and science, between body and media in close collaboration with research institutes for neural engineering, automatic control and computer graphics.

Harald Haraldsson // Harald is the founder of Wonwei and presented some of their latest work, he also talked about how creative coding can be applied to computational design.
Wang Changcun // Media artist based in Hangzhou, with works exhibited in China, France, Netherlands and Belgium. He talked about his creative process using Max/MSP, Processing, and Flash.
Jingni Wang // Media artist based in Shanghai. She graduated from China Academy of Art, Intermedia Art Department and has completed artist residencies in Netherlands, Belgium, and China. Jingni Wang presented her wearable computing project called Lover’s Instrument. She also talked about social sustainability.

More pictures
