Hacking YN460 flash with Arduino

January 26th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink


Introduction to Filmmaking | Workshop

January 17th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

HERE for details. Seats are limited, please register and reserve your spot today!]]>

XinCheJian closes during Chinese New Year

January 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

First 3 winners of spaghetti bridge competition

January 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Sherry and Min Lin won the second place with total load of 5.48kg! image CSTD team won the third place with total load of 3.61kg! image Congratulations to first 3 winning teams and thank you all for participating! A Special thank you to the people at TechYiZu for sponsoring the event.]]>

Dorkbot: JUE + XinCheJian = Art + Technology

January 14th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

About XinCheJian 新车间是一个开放式社区,吸引并集聚了各方硬件高手,电子艺术家,设计师,DIY爱好者,以及所有喜欢动手捣鼓各种东西的人。在这个实验空间里,大家不仅可以和兴趣相投的人一起拆拆装装各种电子和物理产品,而且还可以共同实施一些好的设计和想法。 “新车间”与第4届《觉》音乐+艺术节将于2012年3月9日-25日共同为您呈现一次艺术与电子的碰撞盛宴,而Dorkbot即是这场盛宴的开胃菜。   What is Dorkbot? Dorkbot是一场艺术家,发明家,电子爱好者的“集会”,是一个轻松氛围下互相间交流作品,想法与技术的平台。2012年3月,新车间与《觉》会共同举办一个以“艺术与技术”为主题的Dorkbot,邀请来自《觉》的艺术家们,以及坐在电脑前的你一起。   Looking for Presenters 成为我们的Dorkbot活动发言人,你将可以:

  • 向大家展示你的作品,给予大家熟悉了解你的机会;
  • 结识志趣相投的朋友,组建自己的艺术(产品)团队;
  • 吸引对作品(产品)感兴趣的展出方或投资方。
除了Dorkbot上的发言,我们同样欢迎你来开办工作坊,以动手实干的方式让大家更加深入地了解你的作品和技术。 *请将您的发言主题与主题相关的作品(产品)发至:info@xinchejian.com; *请尽快联系我们,以便为您安排最佳时间日程。   Looking for Sponsors 赞助的形式可以是资金支持,或是硬件设备赠予。 成为我们的活动赞助方,您将可以:
  • 在“新车间”与“觉”的Dorkbot上向艺术家与电子爱好者展示您的技术与产品;
  • 通过举办工作坊的形式让艺术家与电子爱好者进一步了解您的技术与产品;
  • 近距离体察用户体验,及时获取到来自潜在用户的反馈信息;
  • 寻找未来的艺术或技术上的合作伙伴。
*获取更多信息,请发邮件至:info@xinchejian.com; *请尽快联系我们,以便为您安排最佳时间日程。]]>

3D Printer and plastic

January 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Sorry for the lack of updates on the 3D printer.  The white ABS [Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene; a thermoplastic] is horrible.  Use the grey PLA [polylactide; thermoplastic aliphatic polyester] from now on.  I reinstalled the old nozzle (made a new one and promptly burned it out the same day) and was able to print without making any changes.  It actually sticks to the platform and to each other.  Was able to get 1/3 of the 2cm box before it sheared off.  Still have problems with flow control, but happy that it works better.  The toothed gear may be too sharp, since it jams up with plastic after a while.  Need to clean it out every so often, but it still pulls filament even when jammed.  Also started to wrap up the wiring. I’m going to be out of town for a while, so who ever wants to take over and get it flowing better, be my guest. ]]>

Visit to Toyhouse at Ningbo Polytechnic

January 10th, 2012 § Comments Off on Visit to Toyhouse at Ningbo Polytechnic § permalink

Ningbo Polytechnic is located in the Beilun development zone. It’s a 3.5 hours drive away from Shanghai. Ningbo Polytechnic is at the top of the list of vocational schools in China, working hard to become an alternative to more well known brands in China with a focus on practical skills. All universities in China have their own hotels, travel agencies, on-site restaurants with copious amount of food (always too much)… Impressive for foreigners that are not used to this level of luxury on campus! We visited the rest of the campus where they host many exchange students from Africa and elsewhere. We also saw a wonderful violin making studio (they have a store with price tags next door) and an absolutely HUGE CNC (computer numerical control) room that is used to produce mechanical parts of all size and shapes. The main objective of our visit was to check out Toyhouse, a Hackerspace-type space located on the university campus and created by Professor Koo. As their name implies, as a whole bunch of toys (lots of RC copters). They were also recently the host of a quadcopter workshop. Afterwards, we visited a film studio fully equipped to produce entire movies literally across the street from the university in a large technology park. During our visit, we and Professor Koo had a discussion about creating a new university program to make it possible for students to find their passion and be as desirable candidates as possible  to employers and investors when they come out of the program. Our suggestion is to build a project-centric program with guests hackers from around the world. [gallery link="file" columns="2"]]]>


January 10th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

http://xinchejian.com/contact-us/) Form your own team or join one, and get ready to architect and construct a bridge made out of spaghetti. Bridges have to be able to cross a 50 cm distance, and hold as much weight as possible. Techyizu and Xinchejian will provide you one box of spaghetti, glue guns, and glue. You provide the nerdpower. See the full list of rules (http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=91) on the Xinchejian website. PRIZES: ARDUINO sets will be given to the teams with the bridges that can support the most weight. REGISTER: Go to the Xinchejian website to register. The first 12 teams to register will get a reserved place. Sign up NOW! (http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=91) – – – Announcement #2: BARCAMP on March 3 Calling all techies, entrepreneurs, and innovators — get ready for Techyizu’s BARCAMP on March 3. BarCamp is a fun, user-generated “un-conference” that started in Silicon Valley as a response to formal, exclusive, and boring tech conferences. If you are interested in technology, startups, design, or social innovation, you can’t miss this event! BarCamp consists of passionate 15-minute presentations on any topic. Anyone (yes, anyone!) can sign up to present on anything (but please, no advertisements for your company). Just let your own energy and nerdiness shine through. All presentations are followed by time for discussion. You can expect to have amazing discussions on cutting edge technology and trends. The event is free and open to everyone! Go to the techyizu.org website for more event details. Shanghai BarCamp is being presented to you by TechYizu, an organization that aims to organize Shanghai’s lively startup and tech community. ——————– Follow us on: Weibo Follow Xinchejian: http://t.sina.com.cn/xinchejian Follow Techyizu: http://t.sina.com.cn/techyizu Twitter Follow Xinchejian: http://twitter.com/xinchejian Follow Techyizu: http://twitter.com/techyizu]]>

Techyizu & Xinchejian Spaghetti Bridge Competition Rule

January 9th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Android Basic Programming Workshop

January 6th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

Date: Jan. 11, 2012, Wednesday Time: 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM Language: English Instructor: Tapan Thaker, a freelancer/student from Mumbai, India, who is developing Android applications since past 2 years which also includes apps for political parties, One Android game (ICE Hockey), and a application “Proximity Plus Plus” . Why Android ? With more than 200 million activations of android , it captures a large mobile market . Also android programming will help you utilize your skills on Accessory Development Kit (ADK) which in turn will help you hack even more !! Note: This is not a workshop about the ADK it will cover only the basic programs and concepts to get you started with Android Topics covered in the workshop : 1) Basics of Android 2) Hello World 3) A Simple Calculator 4) Basic Paint Program Prerequisites for attendees: 1) Knowledge of any one programming language 2) Understanding of Object-Oriented concepts Before coming for the workshop, please prepare: 1) Install Android SDK Release 11 (decompress in your home folder) 2) Install and run Eclipse 3.6.2 3) Install Eclipse extensions (using Help > Install new software) 4) Install ADT 10.0.1 into eclipse: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ 5) Set Eclipse ADT preference to point to your SDK: Window > Preferences > Android > SDK location 6) Goto Windows > Android SDK  Manager  and install Android 2.1]]>

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