Sponsorship XinCheJian is asking for 50,000 RMB from the main sponsor of the Soccerbots Exhibition. These costs are the minimum requirements to cover the basic materials, components, tools and support costs. Due to the extreme time constraints, half of the funds (25,000 RMB) must be provided before May 18th 2012. The overall engineering cost of the Soccerbots exhibition is estimated at well over 200,000 RMB when taking into account the cost of the expert engineering team donated by Xinchejian. The exhibition will be on loan to a space designated by the sponsor for the duration of the event. Given the transportation costs, the sponsor will need to provide the field based on a design and set of specifications provided by XinCheJian. XinCheJian will provide four robotic teams of seven players, remote controllers for the audience to play, the special football field sensors, the special game ball, and recharging units for the robots. All robots, playing field, remote controls, and equipment must be returned to XinCheJian at the end of the exhibition. Soccerbots Swarm Robotics Team XinCheJian has assembled a team of two senior engineers, Michaelis Lutz and Edward Jiang, with over 10 years of robotics experience. Assisting them to build the robots will be more than 10 part-time engineers and designers. Project Lead Engineers:
- Edward Jiang
- Edward Jiang is Vice-President of Technology at Tradesparq, the world’s fastest growing trade social network. Edward is a robot enthusiast with multiple robotics projects.
- http://xinchejian.com/2012/03/27/portraits-of-makers-edward-jiang/
- Michaelis Lutz is technical German translator for ASUSTEK COMPUTER, the PC manufacturer, with 40 years of experience in electronics and robotics.
- See his videos on Youku: http://u.youku.com/lumi3005
- http://xinchejian.com/2012/03/26/portraits-of-makers-lutz/
- “Insectbot” autonomous robots
- Hacked RC car, turned into an autonomous robot
- R2D2 autonomous robot
- Micro-sized line-follower autonomous robot
- Four-legged autonomous walking robot

External skins for soccerbots, would be great, if could be personalised with paint or more cool a 3d scan of the person face with http://www.hypr3d.com/, 3d printed on the sheel that you proposed (this one need to round the hip geometry).
Thanks for the tip Camilo! Hypr3d is cool!
Well, It can be a good idea, we can plan to combine 3D printing for the face, and vacuum molding for the overall body! 😉
Hypr3d works like 123D Catch, from Autodesk no?
如果愿意,可以考察一下我做的FIRA小车,看看给它穿上外衣后是否符合你们的期望?小车尺寸7.5*7.5*7.5cm(新车间应该有样品),而且设计了Arduino 控制板,可无线控制,应该说基本具备了你们所需的功能。只是性能差些,因为设计时考虑就是普及,娱乐为主!
@Embedream. Yes we was thinking about the FIRA bot as well but since we already started the swarm bot project with other requirements we just converted that to the soccer project. I am curious if you could think about a solution for future proejts like that?
Thanks for your eply Embedream. I can’t get the comment in Google translate this time, sorry 🙂 I would like to talk to you about this project.
Could someone translate this above comment to English please.
let me try to help to translate it!
It is just ok, we can talk it later.
which robot platform your choiche to use?what is the goal of the swarm robot?co-working?communication?or Distribution algorithm
I think that swarm robot the robot is a carrier. We need let the swarm action to perform what we want they do. Is that accurate?
Infact I have been design the YM4 for highschool swarm robot research, but they take a lot of time on the robot itself then the swarm. I don’t think that is neccery for that project. You can just choice one robot fit the requirement of movement or something we fouce on. the most importen thing is the conection of the robots. Do you agree with me?
Hope I am not mess up!
不知道你们的项目进展如何了?看看我最近尝试的内容:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAzODk2NzEy.html ,是不是和你们要做的很接近?^_^