Swarm Robots

August 30th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

You can make your own SwarmBot, easily code it via Arduino GUI, do more experiments like this one, take photos for competition, or help update the installation procedure. Swarm Robots is free fun for members! Membership is only 100Y per month! We could do also lots of fun stuff for Barcamp (September 8) and Shanghai MakerFair (November 2-4)! For example “show off” behaviours like follow the leader, find the “ball”, or draw pictures on floor. More ideas. Regular Meetup Thursday night from 7pm, Other times are DIY or arrange with others 🙂 Lots of info here!]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 29/08/2012

August 29th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. – Albert Einstein
* Stanley – mk802+Linux+Arduino = Tiny, and powerful * Serena Pollastri/Francesca – TianTian
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
Stanley from the Famous OBD car port hack will be presenting what he done on the mk802 to get it running linux, if you wanted a Raspberry Pi, think again, this little device is much cooler.
Serena Pollastri/Francesca – were commissioned by Nokia to study how rural areas of china use their mobile phones – they came up with an online marketplace for urban communities to trade directly with rural areas such as farms, tracking from farm to dinner plate.
Full Newsletter available here

Alex and James' CNC Machine

August 28th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

James Coombs and Alex Cureton-Griffiths are building a CNC machine (what is a CNC?) at Xinchejian. James is doing it because he wants a tool to build space-grade components for micro-satellites. Alex is in it because he likes smacking things with tools, and is forging a great relationship with a sexy little socket wrench… » Read the rest of this entry «

Campus Party Berlin

August 25th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Letsmakerobots.com looks quite busy and we really did build some robots from scratch there. We also got some robots to show off. I brought Chopstick Junior and ALF, the analog line follower (it’s selling good). Others brought a telepresence bot, 3D printer and simple fun bots. [caption id="attachment_3776" align="alignnone" width="300"]The nerd table The table looks familiar?[/caption]]]>

Mini Workshop #4 – Acquaponic & Hydroponic introduction this Saturday (25th) from 2pm

August 23rd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

We are going to open the 4th Mini Workshop of Acquaponic and Hydroponic system this Saturday (25th) at XinCheJian from 2pm to 3pm.  Open to XinCheJian Members; and the workshop is free to attend.

The pic below is the hydroponic box we built up 10 days ago at XinCheJian Mini Workshop (#3) and now, they are ready for harvest!

Very amazing growth


Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/08/2012

August 22nd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

A feature packed Wednesday planned for this week, from @aGuegu to Ben Houge to China Haxlr8r Folks, as always come along and buy a beer or soft drink and listen to some great presentations, finished with a round of do-nothing-but-chat or build-something-awesome you decide! 7-9pm dont be lame, hit the hackerspace on your way home!

nixie tubes by aguegu Weihong Guan (@aGuegu) a fellow hacker and researcher will be presenting his projects this evening, from Nixie tube heaven from the 70s to showing off his amazing 8x8x8 led cube, this guy makes his living by selling his inventions which can be found all over the internet. His awesome 8x8x8 cube kit will dazzle anyone and is the perfect table top conversation piece, with integrated arduino in a tiny tiny form factor driving 512 LEDS! plus 4 more for fun!
Cyril Ebersweiler started the haxlr8r.com, a hardware accelerator program based in Shenzhen. Haxlr8r people will come visit on Wednesday afternoon and hopefully stay to the evening, there is a high chance that Cyril will not be able to stay as him and his wife are currently expecting a new hacker in the family. Ben Houge, with 16 years of experience developing video games, including 4 years at ubisoft shanghai working on Tom Clancy’s EndWar, he will be teaching the MAX/MSP workshop this weekend at xinchejian on saturday (http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=143), a tool in which he creates most of his musical mayhem, i’ve seen this guy present before, and wow, quite the experience. he currently teaches in Boston area, where he teaches video game music at Berklee College and is also working on a research project with MIT http://mit.edu/music21/ on musicological analysis.

Hydroponic Planter: One week after

August 21st, 2012 § 5 comments § permalink

The planter built a week ago is doing well on my balcony. Here is the before and after photos.

A week ago


IMG 3302


Xinchejian Survey, Needs Your Support

August 18th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

中文版本: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZXDKD6X
Xinchejian Survey
How can we make Xinchejian better?  What do you want to see Xinchejian do?
Please take our survey so we know how to serve the you, the hacker community better!
English Version: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZL5KLMY

#Aquaponics# Sun Shade Cover Up!

August 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Also, 100 earth worms are added to help process the organic matter in the system. Hope they can survive with constant ebb and flow. 🙂 IMG 3260 Finally, over 300 Chinese green, tomato, cucumbers, eggplants, and sun flowers are transplanted and we should be ready to harvest in about 4 weeks. IMG 3253
IMG 3256 The basils and chives transplanted into the system are growing amazingly. IMG 3257]]>

New Member Orientation This Friday from 7:00pm

August 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

New Member Orientation

Friday, 17 August at 7:00 PM Do you want to get more involved at Xinchejian?  Come to our New Member Orientation!  All Xinchejian members are invited for a fun and informal evening to meet new members and learn more about the space.  Start your own project or join an existing one.  We’ll also have self-assembly kits where you can build your own line-following robot for 20 RMB.
There will be FREE BEER!


Presented by iTalk and Xinchejian http://event.weibo.com/559422
Wednesday, 15 August  6:30 – 9:00 
According to “The Economist”, 3D printing technology is the basis of the “Third Industrial Revolution”.  As “social manufacturing” becomes widespread, everyone will become a factory.
Please come to this event to learn more about 3D printing, hosted by iTalk and Xinchejian.  Experts on 3D Printing will be giving talks on:
3D Printing Technologies (Chinese), 3D Printing Applications and Development Trends (Chinese), Body 2.0 (English), Personal 3D Printing (Chinese), 3D Printing Software (Chinese)
This event is free — just come to Xinchejian! (1035 Changle, 2nd Floor).

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You are currently viewing the archives for August, 2012 at 新车间 [XinCheJian].