Announcements this week:
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- sign up for the basics of Character Animation and learn the tricks that Pixar and Disney used to create some of the most long running cartoons to date.
- Movie night this friday: Moulin Rouge – 730pm
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Paul – sha256({Human})
- Enno – Character Animation
- More..
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- Paul will be demoing sha256({Human}), a talk he wanted to do at barcamp but was unable to make it this year, this uses face tracking and recognition using opensource tools
- Enno will give an introduction to the upcoming workshops this weekend at XinCheJian, A teacher, an Artist both in Design and Music, this is one cool cat!
- Ad-Hoc.. this could be you
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