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-ZBrush 是按照世界领先的特效工作室和全世界范围内的游戏设计者的需要,以一种精密的结合方式开发成功的,它提供了极其优秀的功能和特色,可以极大地增强你的创造力。
ZBrush is a digital sculpting and painting program that has revolutionized the 3D industry with its powerful features and intuitive workflows. With an arsenal of features that have been developed with usability in mind, ZBrush creates a user experience that feels incredibly natural while simultaneously inspiring the artist within. With the ability to sculpt up to a billion polygons, ZBrush allows you to create limited only by your imagination.]]>
ZBrush Workshop session 3/4 ZBrush 工作坊第三节 Aug.24
August 23rd, 2014 § 0 comments
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