上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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4 sessions + 4 Q&A meetups in 4 weeks;
Language is Chinese.
To learn design logic of mechanical parts and to learn how to design 3D models with Solidworks and making simple animation.
May 10th: The basic knowledge of 3D modeling, building simple components, such as iphone shell, vases, etc.
May 17th: Building complex parts, such as impeller, spring, etc.
May 24th: Building the assembly and making animation.
May 31st: Other functions, such as drawing, motion analysis, rendering.
Please bring a laptop with Solidworks 2014 installed.
Solidworks2014 Workshop | Solidworks2014 三维建模工作坊 – May
April 17th, 2015 § 0 comments
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