上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
14:00 – 17:00, Saturday, Dec. 26th
Workshop Introduction:
2016 is around the corner, are you ready to sense and explore the new world? Or you want to tell about the beautiful memory of 2015 with your pen? Join XinCheJian painting master – Freda in the workshop, make full of your imagination to feel your heart and to find out a new way to express yourself.
1. brushes that your like (any three pens that work for you)
2. wear loose clothes to participate , because it will need to do the movements
3. a small gift that can present you
4. some junk food if you want
5. don’t get cold 🙂
Fee (with material):
XinCheJian members: RMB 200 / person
Non-members:RMB 240 / person
Non-member with one month membership fee:RMB 300 / person]]>
年末纪念工作坊之感知绘画 12月26日| Past year memorizing workshop – Perception Painting Dec. 26th
December 21st, 2015 § 0 comments
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