上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
About the instructor/老师简介 :
I am Andrew, been in Xinchejian for a couple years now, currently a college student and an entrepreneur. Over the years my experience with electronics have left a couple proud creations, such as laser gun, DIY drone, tesla coils, and etc. A year ago I successfully crowd funded design project Eggie, “The worlds most advanced night light” this has given me ample of experiences in research and design,prototyping, manufacturing, marketing and etc. All of which you are very welcome to ask me.
Workshop description/工作坊介绍:
Most DIY drones suffer the lack of function, looks, and usability. Rendering them to be always considered a toy. This GPS assisted foldable drone allows, the builder to fully experience the joy of flight, with its GPS position hold feature it can stay in air even if you don’t touch the controller. Its aesthetically designed body is made out of carbon fiber composites for light weight and durability. The smart foldable frame of allows the user to take it where ever they want. If you are interested, please join the workshop and experience the joy of creating your own flying drone!
Workshop structure:
Hour 0: Explaining the basic principles of the drone, such as its electronic systems, brief the physics behind how it files. Introduce the parts provided by me, and explain what each component does. 解释基本的无人机规则,电子系统以及电子元器件。
Hour 1: Start ofthe assembly 开始组装
Hour2: Changing the settings and preparing drone for flight 调试无人机
Hour 3: Testflight, and further adjusting 试飞和调试
Over the age of 15, or accompanied by a parent. Bring computer, must be Windows operating system
要带电脑和热情, 低于15岁需要家人陪同. 带电脑。
Members and first 5 non-member: 3799 rmb for the complete drone kit and lesson plan
Non-member: 3999 rmb for the complete drone kit and lesson plan
会员和前五名非会员:全套套件和课程3799 人民币
非会员: 全套套件和课程 3999 人民币
Time/时间: 10/22/2016 9:00am
I am not responsible for any illegal or misuse of the drone. Please follow all regulation and rules of drones in China. I am also not responsible for any injuries that results from the drone, I will however discuss the dangers and what to be aware of while starting and flying. This is not a toy!
Sign up:
Send Email to [email protected] to tell her that you wanna make your own fabulous foldable drone!
报名请发送邮件到[email protected].]]>
DIY GPS Assisted Foldable Drone Oct 22 | 自制带GPS的可折叠式四轴飞行器 10月22日
October 18th, 2016 § 0 comments
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