自制新车间 | XinCheJian DIY
XinCheJian DIY is a platform to show XinCheJian members’ projects. At the same time, people that’s interested can buy DIY kits or projects directly through this platform at a reasonable price. We guarentee that this is not a platform that accepts all the products. All the projects must be coming from XinCheJian members!
本周推荐:荧光舞道具服 | This week recommendation: Fluorescent dance cloth
Cloths that have lights shining with rhythm . They can create an amazing atmosphere, and help dancers to do what will never be done without the help of the lights
How did this project happen:
This project comes from a XinCheJian high school memebr. It first occured to him to design this when he saw a cool dance on a school event. After he designed it, the dance club adopted it to the dance, and successfully used for a lot more school events.
Clothes , trousers ,batteries , Arduino and hot glue gun, ELlight string : 5m*2 , 2m*1(freefor colors), aset of driver and wire, 12Vbattery box*3(forfree , you can use the 8*1.5V battery which is on the driver if you don’t wantto do any operations on the driver , but 8 batteries will make the clothesheavy), relay*1
Way to DIY:
First , use glue gun to stick the light string onto the clothes as you like . Make sure that you stick the light string as the shape of muscle to make the dance more attractive .
You can get more light strings in order to change your clothes’ colors you like .
Then , put the relay in to the circuit . you can get the information about the relay on this website
It is just a simple example. And the material we give is only enough to have one combination of colors so you only need one relay.
If you’re interest in making or purchasing this, you can scan QR code below to find out more info.
自制新车间:荧光衣 | XinCheJian DIY: Fluorescent dance cloth
November 9th, 2016 § 0 comments
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