立即报名 Register
The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English.
You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space.
Content of the workshop:
* Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE
* Writing your first program
* Connecting to sensors and hardware
* Followed by a discussion and Q&A
Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>
Arduino Workshop for Beginners 新手工作坊- Aug. 16th
August 6th, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink
Arduino for beginners Workshop – May 10th
May 5th, 2014 § 8 comments § permalink
The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it.
You’ll learn
* Introduction to Arduino, basic electronic knowledge, binary,
* Connecting hardware e.g. LED. buzz, motor, etc
* Writing your program
* Digital I/O, analog I/O
* Followed by a discussion and Q&A
3 lucky participants will get presents from Rex.
You’ll also be able to take home your final product, an electronic LED badge
You will need to have a computer preinstalled with Arduino IDE (download at www.arduino.cc) and an Arduino kit (or you may buy the kit at the workshop for 80RMB).
Workshop fee with RSVP is 80RMB/person for the 3-hour workshop, 100RMB without RSVP.
Registration page]]>
Intro to Arduino Workshop by Habib – April 17th
April 8th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
Arduino Workshop for beginners
February 18th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

Hacking an EBIKE and Making it a community bike
December 17th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Jonathan presents his E-Bike that he’s been working on this year, throw away your keyfobs! ]]>
Busy week for Helper and Assistive device group
August 13th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 17/07/2013
July 17th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Make something this summer! Processing workshop went well on the weekend, for those that missed it, well worth checking out when it comes up again. just a friendly reminder that if you havn’t paid your membership dues, please do so at the space. in August paul will be running a free Arduino workshop for members only make sure you have your own Arduino kit, buy through the space to support XinCheJian. also let us know what you think about the new design on the xinchejian website. A friendly reminder that XinCheJian is a hackerspace and not a co-working space/cheap office space, its fine to work on your projects but not cool to run your business out of the space, people involved in this are kindly being asked to move to a co-working facility, we can make introductions if you need them. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Sunny Sun Jr will be giving a brief insight to the biohack lab he wants to setup and ways you can join
- David Li will be showing off his new hydroponic system named the Vortex
- DFRobot is going to be opening the sumobot challenge, XinCheJian is already forming a team to smash them!
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- The Famous Sunny Sun Jr wants to kick off the biohack lab, find out how you can be involved and what they are planning on doing, glow in the dark goldfish anyone?
- David li, a constant builder has his new system, making your own vortex to process worm casters or suck the world into
- DFRobot is going to introduce sumobot challenge this evening!
Robo Racing – Sunday 7th – 1pm – 3pm @ Shanghai Library 3rd floor
July 1st, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

Ladies and gentleman! start your engines, we’re hosting the XinCheJian Autonomous robo-racing at the Shanghai Library on the 3rd floor THIS Sunday
XinCheJian’s Toughest robot challenge is about to begin, Autonomous Robo racing, all based on sensors and time on the race track, from 1pm – 3pm we’ll be racing at shanghai library and competing for the fastest time on the track!]]>
Hack-a-weekend PM2.5
May 27th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Hack-a-weekend PM2.5
This weekend Valentin wanted to do a little hack-a-weekend as a surprise, he had ordered parts throughout the week and unveiled the weekend plan on wednesday to a few people, what he wanted to do was represent the PM2.5 data we’ve all heard about in some fun way. His initial idea involved those push button dolls that collapse when you press them from the bottom.
So with all the different PM2.5 sensors he could find the challenge began saturday. first was how do these things work! not exactly rocket science but they do mean looking up the datasheets to get the schematics and a little trial and error. then it was deciding what form it should take, perhaps a representation of a tree would be ideal! so with 3d printed parts the tree was assembled with rubber bands, unfortunately both the bands and 3d printed parts just were not working very well.
The 3d printed parts were scrapped in favor of Ping Pong balls just because we had (100’s) left over from a little prank on Lucio’s locker, and string!
Finally the little thing was built, hooked into the pachube/cosm/xively (or what ever you want to call yourself today) and data is starting to flow, we also had built a 2nd one so we can contrast the information and see which one is accurate to whats being captured (outside) just 800m from us at the US embassy in Shanghai.
so without further a-du meet the tree! well its version 1 of the tree sitting on top of burty, so we can spend some time understanding it’s readings before making a permanent one with the choosen sensor.
if you’re looking for the data, you can find it here, we’re not stating any facts and not guaranteeing the data either as we have nothing to calibrate against: https://xively.com/feeds/135383882
the code can be found on https://github.com/xinchejian/pm2.5-arduino
The pm25-tree is the data from the tree using a seeedstudio dust sensor – which doesn’t seem to be there accurate, where as the pm25 is test data from a sharp sensor which so far is accurate but blowing smoke across it did not change it where as the seeedstudio one did change, only time will tell.
stay tuned for more from Valentin]]>
Group Buy – Doodle bot and competition
May 17th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

http://letsmakerobots.com/node/37126 Lutz a long time member of XinCheJian has contacted them since we’re in china and negotiated a great deal if we do a group buy, our target.. at least 20 pieces and our price.. 198rmb/each if you want to get a doodle bot and not participate in the competition instead that’s fine! but if you want to get in on the competition, then it’s even more awesome! here is more information about the competition: http://letsmakerobots.com/node/37175 Sign up to the XinCheJian google group (email xinchejian+subscribe@googlegroups.com), Send an email to xinchejian@googlegroups.com titled “programming competition” with the words “i Pledge to buy X amount of Doodlebots if we succeed in our group buy” then get ready to send 198rmb to a group buy alipay account or drop into XinCheJian and hand over the cash to a staff member! Lets put a deadline of May 22nd on this so we can hack the doodlebot sooner than later. Do not transfer or pay until Lutz gives us the word via email and verify it by checking http://xinchejian.com website. Once the pledge is made, you’re on the hook for the cash!]]>