Battle of 3D Printers
Both Lucio and Rockets are working on 3D Printers.
April 18th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
Both Lucio and Rockets are working on 3D Printers.
April 18th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Brazilian, Lawyer, MBA, and ex-executive, turned his life on its head, sold his house and bought a sailboat, crossed the Atlantic twice and lived for a year with his wife, three kids and dog at sea, sailing along the coast of Brazil and through the Caribbean Islands. Loves sailing, cycling, movies, practicing Kung Fu and cooking.
Now living in Shanghai, joined the Shanghai Hackspace (XinCheJian) and built the space’s first working DIY 3Dprinter from scratch.
Photography by Lumi and Postprocessed by David
]]>April 11th, 2013 § 4 comments § permalink
Matthieu Tondeur aka Chromaphase
Actually working on the Daedalus city project. Its a gigantic city robot that carry swarm robot and received real time synchronization 3D mapping with advanced content. Robots inside robots.
As an artist that is passionated in science and electronic i found my place in Xinchejian. here I can cooperate with people that are from different cultures and expertises. Making stuff that link art and technology is my aim. Also its a good working atmosphere when doing some projects. Always a member is around for help or advise, help you to “make stuff”
March 26th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Who are you? My name is Lutz and I am member of Xinchejian. Now my job is robotics engineer and in my spare time i am taking photos (yeah, the Maker Portrait photos are my creation but David did the post processing). In Xinchejian I am mainly active in robotics and related workshops. I am from Germany and living 8 years in Shanghai now but if you wanna talk in Chinese to me then please be prepared that you might have to switch to English…谢谢
March 26th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
Who are you?
Hey y’all, my name is IHan, the geek wannabe. I’m an interaction designer and an amateur cook. You’ll see me in Xinchejian a lot, mainly baking cookies and making Mojitos, not exactly high tech… but one day, it’ll be cookies with edible health monitoring chips and Mojitos with blood alcohol level reader straws;)
I admire people who can make things and I hope if I hang out with the cool gang a lot, I might be able to be just as cool one day;) People are very generous and open here. I’m always inspired to see how XCJ is pushing science and technology to the general public. Shanghai is very lucky to have this group of people and this space, and I’d love to see more people joining the force. Also, I love the culture in XCJ. At work, everything is designed for a reason, so the “making for the sake of making” attitude in XCJ is very liberating.
Photo by Lumi
June 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
March 29th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
Who are you? I’m not a superhero or that guy from the big bang theory, I am however closer to a human than those would think, I am Paul Adams. What do you do? Some say I run the United states of America, but I don’t believe that, by education I’m a Graphic Designer by industry I’m a one man web development company. What inspires you? The learning process is inspirational but doing anything with stuff is just the greatest! What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? I like the makers, and I like making stuff, the crazy projects with the “don’t talk about it, go do it“ mentality is awesome. Plus if you’ve been around long enough you’ll start to learn things you never thought possible. An example is my first few visits to XinCheJian, I was hacking my first robot – a Hovercraft. I had no idea where to begin or what I was doing, it was He Qichen who took 10 minutes to give me the brief introduction to using a multimeter and I was setup and burning stuff quicker than you could scream ‘FIRE!” XinCheJian is a new experience, the fact you have the opportunity to do anything is mind blowing, the chance to share the chance to learn whilst being around like-minded people is phenomenal. I love the fact that the entire hackerspace community is not pretentious; true, honest people doing real things, you need to get your hands dirty, you need to build stuff. “Talkers walk but makers provoke!” (yes I should work on that one) What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience? I want to do something, accomplish many tasks, and learn as much as I can, share everything and experience both the good and bad, i have a thirst for experiencing new things, I also love the idea of being a pioneer. If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be? It would have to be how much I don’t know, especially some of those technical conversations that happen, I just nod my head in agreement and every now and then say “interesting, tell me more!” Tell us a secret.. One you haven’t told anyone else? This last year has been fulfilling, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, loved the bad and enjoyed the good, I wouldn’t change it. Who’s your idol? Lady Ada (Limor) is my idol. Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) I would rate myself at 42 on the geeky slider out of 63, 2/3rd geek.]]>March 27th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
March 27th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
March 24th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink