1F, No.1 Building, No 28 East Yuyuan Road
Hey XinCheJian Makers,
How are you? What you’ve been made lately and curious on what others have been build?
XCJ is organizing our very 1st time “Show and Tell” night in the space, welcoming our makers to showcase their cool projects and find people around you that will be interested in your project. Get excited?
For Registration:
1. Take a picture of your project and register your name and details to email: makers@xinchejian.com.
The coolest project and the maker story will even have chance to be featured on our official website and Wechat post. Cool?
Time: July 15th Wednesday 8pm – 10pm
The Host: Ricky
What you must bring:
1. Physical projects you’ve worked on and its story (Something you’ve made already, not a PPT).
1F, No.3 Building, No. 28 Yuyuan East Road (XinCheJian)
Maker’s Show and Tell (July 15th Wednesday) 创客成果展示会 (7月15日 周三)
July 12th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
Joint Wednesday Night with iTalk: ex-CEO of Foxconn Terry Cheng on “Innovation from Long Tail, Startups from Makers"
December 9th, 2013 § 12 comments § permalink
iTalk will host a special event by Terry Cheng ex-CEO of Foxconn on his view of Makers movement, innovation in China and perspective from big manufacturers and corporations.
Speaker Bio
Mr. Cheng Tien Chong served as the Chief Executive Officer at Foxconn International Holdings Limited since January 1, 2012 until July 26, 2012. Mr. Cheng joined Foxconn Technology Group in 2007 and serves as its Corporate Executive Vice President, principally responsible for formulating, driving and implementing business initiatives and strategies and presiding over and leading organisations and operations. Mr. Chong has over 28 years of extensive management, marketing, sales and operational experience in the global electronics and engineering industries with multinational companies. Before joining Foxconn Technology Group, from 1997 to 2007, he served as the President of the Asia region for Texas Instruments Inc. From 1992 to 1997, Mr. Cheng served as the President of China Hewlett-Packard. Prior to that, Mr. Cheng held various Senior Executive positions with Hewlett-Packard Intercontinental, Hewlett-Packard Asia and Hewlett-Packard Taiwan, respectively. He serves as a Director of Foxconn Communcication Technology Corp., Wide-Ranging Investments Ltd., Evenwell Holdings Ltd and FIH Co. ltd. He served as Director of Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited until February 1, 2013. He served as an Executive Director at Foxconn International Holdings Limited since January 1, 2012 until July 2012. He has achieved a top ranking and good reputation in the industries. Mr. Cheng received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1974 and a Master of Business Administration degree from Santa Clara University, USA in 1991.Date and location
Time: 7pm to 9pm Location: 5F, Hunan Community Culture Center, 164 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, Near Anfu Lu.

Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 17/07/2013
July 17th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Make something this summer! Processing workshop went well on the weekend, for those that missed it, well worth checking out when it comes up again. just a friendly reminder that if you havn’t paid your membership dues, please do so at the space. in August paul will be running a free Arduino workshop for members only make sure you have your own Arduino kit, buy through the space to support XinCheJian. also let us know what you think about the new design on the xinchejian website. A friendly reminder that XinCheJian is a hackerspace and not a co-working space/cheap office space, its fine to work on your projects but not cool to run your business out of the space, people involved in this are kindly being asked to move to a co-working facility, we can make introductions if you need them. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Sunny Sun Jr will be giving a brief insight to the biohack lab he wants to setup and ways you can join
- David Li will be showing off his new hydroponic system named the Vortex
- DFRobot is going to be opening the sumobot challenge, XinCheJian is already forming a team to smash them!
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- The Famous Sunny Sun Jr wants to kick off the biohack lab, find out how you can be involved and what they are planning on doing, glow in the dark goldfish anyone?
- David li, a constant builder has his new system, making your own vortex to process worm casters or suck the world into
- DFRobot is going to introduce sumobot challenge this evening!
Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/07/2013
July 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

7月03日周三开放日 Make something this summer! Tonight, it’s a back to normal @XinCheJian, several announcements, the possibility to receive the machineroom training with paul this evening after presentations and upcoming events, also keep an eye out on dotdotlab’s project “dotdotdot” launching downstairs in a joint interactive exhibition piece with W+K for the month. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Biayna Bogosian – Synesthesia
- Spencer Featherstone – Assistive aids
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- Biayna will present her research on design workflow automation that utilizes various physical and non-physical factors to add information resolution to the built environments. Biayna Bogosian is an architect interested in computational design and highly localized materialization processes that respond to data patterns. Biayna holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Since 2011, Biayna has taught digital media seminars and design studios at Columbia University GSAPP, and USC School of Architecture.
- Spencer Featherstone the key ingredient in swarm robots is back and is going to discuss his progress in trying to make affordable, reasonably functional assistive aids, a call for interest in having one or more mini hack nights/weekends, or individuals who want to get involved, or create longer term project/s to develop and publish.
Weekly Update
June 5th, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink

Wednesday’s Presentations IoT – Rob van Kranenburg Dr. J. (Sjaak) Wolfert: SmartAgriFood David Li: Makers and IoT Andrew: LED Cube and Timer]]>
Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/05/2013
May 22nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Announcements this week:
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- sign up for the basics of Character Animation and learn the tricks that Pixar and Disney used to create some of the most long running cartoons to date.
- Movie night this friday: Moulin Rouge – 730pm
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Paul – sha256({Human})
- Enno – Character Animation
- More..
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- Paul will be demoing sha256({Human}), a talk he wanted to do at barcamp but was unable to make it this year, this uses face tracking and recognition using opensource tools
- Enno will give an introduction to the upcoming workshops this weekend at XinCheJian, A teacher, an Artist both in Design and Music, this is one cool cat!
- Ad-Hoc.. this could be you
Wednesday Meetup – Free as in beer – or 5rmb – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/04/2013
April 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
4月3日周三开放日 Holiday folks! it’s time to hack stuff! Thursday -> Saturday, Check the website often over this holiday time, we’re going to be doing all sorts of magic.
Announcements this week:
- Valentin from Social glasses is back in town, catch him around the space!
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. last week
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season – we’re waiting on a special location announcement for this race, i think you dont want to miss it, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- May is dedicated to the month of Cinematography – keep an eye out for events revolving around cinematography
- June is dedicated to “intro” for everything, from introduction to arduino, machine room, 3d printing, 3d modeling, electronics, this is the ultimate makers month!
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Tom Igoe – one night only! see him in XinCheJian – Internet of Things Expert: Author, Arduino Team Member and Teacher
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
Tom Igoe is an Associate Arts Professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). Coming from a background in theatre lighting design, Igoe makes tools that sense and respond to a wide range of human physical expression. He is the aread head for physical computing courses, and teaches courses in networking as well. He is also interested in how to lessen the impact that making things has on the environment, and how open hardware development can contribute to that. He has written three books for makers, and is working on a fourth. He is an occasional contributor to Make magazine as well. He is a co-founder of Arduino. He has consulted for various museums and interactive design companies as well. He is currently living a personal dream of working with monkeys, and wants to visit Svalbard someday. Also if you use Processing and Arduino you can thank him tonight! ONE NIGHT ONLY! DONT MISS OUT!]]>Wednesday Meetup – Free as in beer – or 5rmb – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 20/03/2013
March 20th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Updates this week:
- this week we want your 5rmb at the door, that money is going straight into the donation box
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- XinCheJian is turning 3 this month, join us for a wild party @ the space mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – members can bring 1 guest, but please let us know if you are coming (for food and drink orders) by signing up here http://xinchejian.com/event2/?ee=171
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- two new groups formed in the last 7 days, with quantified self and also creative programming.
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- 诸晓鸣 – Blind PHP/C++ Programmer making games (CN)
- Matthew DeBlock – DScript – a new form of writing (EN)
- ..You..
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
诸晓鸣 is Visually impaired, self taught to program in C++ and PHP and works to improve accessibility across computers for others in the same situation, from text to speech and information accessibility development and builds games! Matthew DeBlock has invented his own writing style that looks like a script language however it encodes roman alphabet, if anyone has designed a font before, now imagine how hard it is to design an entire writing style!]]>Wednesday Meetup – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 13/03/2013
March 13th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Announcements this week:
- This week we want your 5rmb at the door, that money is going straight into the donation box!
- Spring Cleaning – this weekend the 16th of march we have a spring cleaning organized, everyone is welcome to join in – we’ll start from 11am for a brunch at XinCheJian – Baozi’s, Egg on Toast and a little cleaning/organization to our favourite hackerspace.
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- XinCheJian is turning 3 this month, join us for a wild party @ the space mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – we need help, we need your help – a BIG cake for XinCheJian’s birthday – feed 50+ people, you can make one or help organize one!
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
=Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述=
- Mike Loh – Cosplay (EN)
- CSK – RoboPeak Mini Robot (CN)
- Allen Yang – Machines will make it (CN)
=Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍=
Mike Loh from uratz Studio will be giving his presentation on Cosplay and some awesome things he makes and is also looking to go electric, think Iron Man costumes and some Holly wood animatronics! CSK has been followed around all week by TV cameras as he prepares to give his presentation this week on RoboPeak Mini Robot and robotics. Allen yang from the machining industry is excited to present this week, he built him self a low cost CNC previously and knows his Equipment: lathes, milling machines, machining centers, shears, bending machines, presses, CNC press! you name it he does it.]]>Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/05/2013
March 6th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
3月6日周三开放日 Congratulations to those that built a 3D printer on the weekend with @Lucio鲁修 Lots of announcements this week, where to start:
- From next week we’re going to ask you for 5rmb at the door for non-members, sign up on the night as a member and get your 5rmb back!
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now,
- it’s XinCheJian’s 2nd anniversary this month, join us for a wild party @ the space – mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – we need help, we need your help – a BIG cake for XinCheJian’s birthday – feed 50+ people, you can make one or help organize one!
- Robot racing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- Make+ is gaining traction, email us to find out how you can get involved.
Summary for Wednesday
We need your support this week, we have 2 fragile live demonstrations, dont touch! just look- @Chromaphase几何焱 (http://vjchromaphase.com) @Lumi3005 /@艾蒙81 (http://redrabbitanimation.com) / @三根门闩 – Leo from swarm robots will be presenting DAEDALUS CITY PROJECT