New Member Orientation This Friday from 7:00pm
August 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Aquaponic: Survived The Typhoon Haikui
August 12th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
The system is still showing some sign of the young aquaponic system, a bit iron deficiency. Chelated iron has been added to improve that as well as a bag of coral skeleton is added as PH buffer. ]]>
Building a simple Hydroponic Planter
August 12th, 2012 § 6 comments § permalink
Fix the aquarium air stone strip to the bottom of the drainage screen. Thanks to Rocket’s suggestion with his background in water processing, the air stone is mounted upside down. This is really clever one. It avoids deposit on top of the stone to make the strips last longer. Cool idea! A small piece of PVC pipe with holes is used to tell water level and fixed on to the screen with cable tie. PVC pipe is used to protect the air pipe from be squeezed by the ceramic ball. All done and ready to fill in the ceramic balls. Big ones at the bottom with 2 cm deep of small one covering the top. While filling in the nutrient solution, make sure only up to the big ones’ height and keep the small one dry. The small one is mainly used to insulate the lights and heat of the Sun from reaching the solution to prevent algae growth and heating up the solution. Transplanted some cucumbers, sun flowers, and other seedlings started in the past few weeks. Some words of advice, soak the ceramic ball in the water a few days before setting up the system so they will sink into the water. At the last picture, the big ball float to the top while I was planting the seedling.]]>
Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 08/08/2012
August 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Summary for Wednesday Some Great presentations planned for this Wednesday, something you dont want to miss! A test, How do you like our new look? prefer the old version? then let us know. Jia-qi will be running a mini-workshop for urban farming this Saturday at 2:30pm talking about taking cuttings from plants and raising them, this is open for XinCheJian members. This month we’ve packed it full of some interesting workshops, from the latest “Ultimate Arduino Workshop”, to Analog line followers to RoboRacing! Keep an eye out for a Max/MSP workshop this month also, more information at the end of this email. Presentations * Jonas – look ma’ no loops! (cancelled) * Serena Pollastri/Francesca – TianTian * Sijie – Build your own multitouch table for your living room (cancelled) Wednesday Presenters * Jonas Karlsson (☯大鱼) will be talking about his new language “Look ma’ no loops!” he’s hacking a new language where you don’t specify what the computer should do and how instead, describing what it is you want. along with Some examples. * Serena Pollastri/Francesca – were commissioned by Nokia to study how rural areas of china use their mobile phones – they came up with an online marketplace for urban communities to trade directly with rural areas such as farms, tracking from farm to dinner plate. * Sijie (@Sijie_Amoy) is a designer and programmer. With a BA in Computer Automation and a Masters in HCI, he unlocks the future in his projects. He currently works at Google as a User Experience Designer since 2011. Today he will share how to build your own multi-touch table for your living room!]]>
Swarm Robots reloaded
August 2nd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink]]>
Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 1/08/2012
August 1st, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Summary for Wednesday We’ll have 2 guests this weekend Saola and Damrey will be visiting – both tropical storms, while that’s going on outside, we’ll be building up a storm inside! it’s time to get your hack on! David and Roger will be running another mini workshop this weekend, this time you’ll build your own simple hydroponics box to take home, with two different systems you’ll need to let David know by Wednesday, 150 – 200 rmb in materials but you’ll have a ready to use system to take home, contact [email protected] for more information. The awesome Barcamp is coming, sign up at for September – do it now, tell them you’re from xinchejian! XinCheJian will make our presence known, last time XinCheJian ran operation “Occupy Barcamp”, this season we’re taking it a step up; if you want to be a part of the XinCheJian Barcamp movement – then contact [email protected] if you have something to say, we want to hear, let us know if you wish to present on [email protected] but please read the guidelines Presentations
- Spencer a demonstration of partkeepr, and how to find what you need in XinCheJian
- David and Roger on Urban Farming
- Sunny Sun Jr. research and explosions
- Spencer (XinCheJian)- Partkeepr, designed for use in places with lots of parts, like hackerspaces this tool will help you cost out your projects and also find what you’re looking for and much more.
- David and Roger (XinCheJian) will be talking about changing the farming area, along with their new Talapia, which have been named already!
- Sunny Sun Jr (XinCheJian|not Agent squishy) at age unknown, but we guess he’s not 18 yet – will be talking about his latest research into Ultrabright LEDS, tiny fast motors and HUGE electromagnets!
XinCheJian @ Shanghai 247
July 31st, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink