August 13th, 2013 § § permalink
July 5th, 2013 § § permalink
- All questions welcome
- We all share and help each other
- Make & hack stuff – anything!
…. one theme will be assistive devices as this covers a huge range of technology!
Anyone is free to suggest other themes!
All languages are welcome.
Proposed guidelines
- Display “Helper sessions” welcome sign – so people know were to come (don’t be shy !)
- Setup at one table/area – with chairs and clean workspace.
- Noisy discussions should move to another area, so main group can continue.
- Share and document – let other people know if you had a good time, or learnt something (or not)
- Ask for wiki account and how to use the wiki!
- You need to be a member
These sessions are intended to extend the always great help available at anytime at Xinchejian 
Aim is to fit in between formal workshop Xinchejian learning and to give some relief to Xinchejian regular members as they often spend most of their time helping others.
THANKS for all the interest and support after Wednesday nights talk!
When:- Trial Thursday from 7:30 starting from 11th July. If any interest we can try other times, including weekends.
Where:- At
Cost:- Free, but members only (
100RMB per month, cheaper for longer periods)
Links – Early draft pages have been started on the wiki:-
Helper Sessions Assistive Devices These will be added to in coming days and weeks.
Note “Helper sessions” is a draft name – fits in with Maker, hacker, and also fits in with assistive technology. Any better suggestions?]]>
December 16th, 2010 § § permalink
the one designed by kinderkram. It uses gyros from Wii Motion Plus and accelerometer from Shanzhaied Nunchuk. Read More…]]>