Wednesday Meetup – innovati came and visited us..
February 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Photos from RoboRace
September 26th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Roboracing Competition – 2011/07/10
July 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Participants last preparations:
Participants self presentation:
The Winners: Nelson Zhang (Autonomous Wall-E) and Michael Liao (Remote controlled Tank)A big THANK to Shanda Innovations for sponsoring 2 E-Book readers as prices for the winners!
Roborace Contestants and their Creators:
Thumbs up to all the participants for their great work! Thank you to Shanda Innovations for being our generous sponsor! Thank you to TimeOut magazine for featuring our event! Thank you to DFRobot and RoboticFan particularly Ricky Ye and Rocky for co-organizing this event! Thank you to XinDanWei for promoting our event! Thank you to everyone who visited us yesterday! Thank you to those who cannot come for your mental support! Thank you to Andi for the great poster and flyer design! Thank you to Paul for sponsoring the posters printouts! Thank you to Bindy for helping out on translations and selling drinks! Thank you to Michael for sponsoring his E-book for next competition and buying drinks to the participants! Thank you to John for helping out on event organization! Thank you to Airie for promoting the event on RenRen! Thank you to Min Lin for promoting, coordinating and organizing the event!
We’re planning to have the next Roboracing at the end of August, stay tuned!
]]>Roboracing Competition
July 8th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
This event is open to everyone, please bring your friends and family! Register here.
The competition will be in 2 parts:
* Autonomous robot car racing
* Remote controlled robot car racing
==>Competition Rules<==
If you wish to become participant at the racing, please send email to: [email protected]
If you wish to become sponsor of this event, please send email to: [email protected]
Here’s some pictures of the last Roboracing event.
Registered teams:
Team 1: Lauren Pan (Toy car modification robot) Team 2: Barry Xu (DIY robot) Team 3: Daniel (2WD Mobile robot kit) Team 4: Zhang Chen (Andriod control HCR) Team 5: Jiang Gui Long/Wu Tao/Zhang Jie ( Android Control HCR) Team 6: Rockets (Tank mobile robot) Team 7: Unknown (LEGO mobile robot) Team 8: Ricky Ye (HCR robot) Team 9: Ricky Ng-Adam (Autonomous robot toy car – ART) Team 10: Lutz Michaelis (Autonomous Beetleduino) Team 11: Paul Adams (Hoverbot Hubert) Team 12: Nelson Zhang (Autonomous Wall-E) Team 13: Lionello Lunesu (LEGO mobile robot) Team 14: David Li (Soccerbot) ]]>Android & Robots
June 8th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
Android Open Accessory Development Kit.
The Android 3.1 platform (also backported to Android 2.3.4) introduces Android Open Accessory support, which allows external USB hardware (an Android USB accessory) to interact with an Android-powered device in a special “accessory” mode. When an Android-powered powered device is in accessory mode, the connected accessory acts as the USB host (powers the bus and enumerates devices) and the Android-powered device acts as the USB device. Android USB accessories are specifically designed to attach to Android-powered devices and adhere to a simple protocol (Android accessory protocol) that allows them to detect Android-powered devices that support accessory mode.Workshops are weekly and will explore both the development on the Android-side and the micro-controllers side – touching on all aspects of mechanical, electrical and software engineering of a robot. In particular, we will look together at the use of ADK-compatible hardware boards, such as the Google IOIO board or new hardware offerings from Seeedstudio. Participation for XinCheJian members who’ve paid their dues is free. For the non-members, the fee is 50 RMB per workshop. For more information, look at the “Android & Robots” wiki. Don’t forget to fulfill the necessary pre-requisites and join the [email protected] mailing list! Note that this is a collaborative workshop, so we expect everyone to contribute and participate actively. ]]>
HCR Roboracing
May 25th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink
Racing track mock-up and simulation with Google SketchUp
Some video
Some Pictures

Insect Bot Workshop [2]
May 9th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
We got full house this Sunday with 13 people doing Insect Bot workshop including 10 kids. It’s a lot of fun and most of insect got to walk.
Adding servo to RC car
May 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
遥控小车的改造 May 3rd, 2011








#include <Servo.h> //Author: HE Qichen //Date: 2011-5-3 //Website: http://gaishi.vicp.net //Email: heqichen(a)gaishi.vicp.net Servo directionServo; void setup() { pinMode(2, INPUT); directionServo.attach(3); } void loop() { int t, a; t = pulseIn(2, HIGH); a = map(t, 1000, 2000, 65, 115); directionServo.write(a); }]]>
Hacking Embedream Car
May 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
嵌入之梦-圆梦小车开发 May 1st, 2011
CT1 接受pwm,控制速度 CT2 前进控制信号,高电位转动 CT3 后退控制信号,高电位转动
但是由于小车上的UNO与我的Ubuntu连接有问题,貌似只有Windows是好的,Mac OS有时也会出问题。所以最后车上改用了Mega 1280。




//Author: HE Qichen //Email: heqichen(a)gaishi.vicp.net //Website: http://gaishi.vicp.net //Date: 2011-5-1 int status; #define LEFT_SPEED 6 #define LEFT_FORWARD 7 #define LEFT_BACKWARD 8 #define RIGHT_SPEED 10 #define RIGHT_FORWARD 11 #define RIGHT_BACKWARD 12 #define ULTRASONIC_ECHO 3 #define ULTRASONIC_TRIG 4 #define NORMAL_SPEED 100 #define STOP_SPEED 0 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); setupMove(); setupUltrasonic(); } void loop() { unsigned int d; moveForward(); d = readDistance(); Serial.println(d, DEC); if (d < 700) { moveBackward(); delay(500); turnLeft(); delay(200); } } void moveForward() { analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, HIGH); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, HIGH); } void moveBackward() { analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, LOW); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, LOW); } void turnLeft() { analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, LOW); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, HIGH); } void turnRight() { analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, HIGH); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, NORMAL_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, LOW); } void moveStop() { analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, STOP_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, LOW); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, STOP_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, LOW); } void setupMove() { pinMode(LEFT_SPEED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEFT_FORWARD, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEFT_BACKWARD, OUTPUT); pinMode(RIGHT_SPEED, OUTPUT); pinMode(RIGHT_FORWARD, OUTPUT); pinMode(RIGHT_BACKWARD, OUTPUT); analogWrite(LEFT_SPEED, STOP_SPEED); digitalWrite(LEFT_FORWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(LEFT_BACKWARD, LOW); analogWrite(RIGHT_SPEED, STOP_SPEED); digitalWrite(RIGHT_FORWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(RIGHT_BACKWARD, LOW); } unsigned int readDistance() { int duration; digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG, LOW); // The same pin is used to read the signal from the PING))): a HIGH // pulse whose duration is the time (in microseconds) from the sending // of the ping to the reception of its echo off of an object. duration = pulseIn(ULTRASONIC_ECHO, HIGH); return duration; } void setupUltrasonic() { pinMode(ULTRASONIC_TRIG, OUTPUT); pinMode(ULTRASONIC_ECHO, INPUT); digitalWrite(ULTRASONIC_TRIG, LOW); }]]>
Autonomous RC Car
May 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYyMzQ4OTYw.html如果你有想法,请告诉我 hacker(a)gaishi.vicp.net