Ricky just make an update on his quest to streaming video from Android.
element14: XinCheJian GGHC: XinCheJian coming out of the depths of video streaming from Android!: “”
]]>April 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Ricky just make an update on his quest to streaming video from Android.
element14: XinCheJian GGHC: XinCheJian coming out of the depths of video streaming from Android!: “”
]]>April 25th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
April 24th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
Insect Robot Body
Inspired by Lumi’s Insect Robot, we had our first insect robot workshop today.
April 19th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Pilot FIRST® Tech Challenge Robotics competition in Shanghai
International school team robots will compete in the pilot FIRST® Tech Challenge high school robotics competition, developed by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a U.S. based non-profit. Teams design, build and program robots to compete in an exciting, sports-like challenge. Reaching 250,000 students in grades K to 12 worldwide, FIRST engages students in science and technology learning and leadership and provides an opportunity to apply classroom concepts to ‘real-world’ engineering problems, work on open-ended challenges and create their own solutions. The event is free and open to the public. Contact Paula Joseph at [email protected] for more information.
For more information, contact Shelly Shen at [email protected] 13564738316 or Paula Joseph at [email protected] 18601794144
April 18th, 2011 § 5 comments § permalink
Insect Robot Workshop
April 11th, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink
April 10th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
posted a detail article on hacking HaiPad m701!
The M701 in itself is an example of hacking in China: here, hacking hardware that wasn’t thought to be workable together to achieve something close to a device that is much more expensive is not called a hobby but a full-time job! Like many others, the extremely low-cost of this 7 inch tablet is made out of a even lower cost chipset, the Telechips 8902. The Telechips was originally designed to fit high end automotive applications, not do tablets or robotics. This chipset powers a variety of similar devices: Augen Gentouch, Coby Kyros, HSG X5A, Haipad M701, Dawa D7, SmartQ v5/v7, Coby Kyros MID7005/MID7015, Imito iM7, Smartbook Surfer (Pictures) “Shanzhai” integrators prefer to keep their supply chain discreetly low-profile as they consider it their “secret” sauce. This is because in Shenzhen, manufacturers are in a race to produce a whole bunch and sell them before the local competitors do the same, often advertising capabilities of the underlying chipset that are actually unavailable to the user since unsupported by the OS.
March 27th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink
We are very happy to be able to invite this Shanghai based Robot team. I ran into them on Weibo and thought they were professional team. Only when we meet, I learn that they are also a group of robot hobbyist. Wow! That’s some bar they set up for robot hobbyist! We gotta keep up!
There are a lot of information about their work on their web site. We post the faces behind the team and look forward to meeting them again.
March 21st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
RoboPeak from Shanghai
We are so glad that RoboPeak, a robotic R&D team has agreed to be one of the speaking at our reopening event on March 26. We ran into this team founded in 2009 on Sina Weibo and are very impressed by what they are doing. We look forward to seeing their presentation.
Quoting from their web site:
RoboPeak is a research & development team in robotics platforms and applications, founded in 2009. Our team members are Software Engineers, Electronics Engineers and New Media Artists that all come from China. RoboPeak develops both software and hardware, which include personal robotic platforms, Robot Operating System and related devices. Our vision is to enrich people’s daily-life with the ever-changing development and innovation in robotic technologies.
From their blog, they are doing very impressive work with Arduino and Robotic. Here is a picture of their robot. Definitely check out the blog! Click on the image to read more about their works.
iPad controller
]]>March 13th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
XinCheJian was in Barcamp Shanghai!
The robot was built the night before barcamp with YM4 from Embedream, Arduino Uno and a HC-SR04. The little YM4 is a lot of fun. The independently controlled wheels allowing the car to turn on a fix axis and this saves the use to savor to turn the limited angle SR04 around to inspect the environment. But at 3AM, it was discovered a little drawback of controlling two independent wheels while trying to make the it going straight. Well, it was 3AM so I decide to let it acts a little crazy. I am dedicating this crazy robot to the crazy Shanghai taxi driver who took me to the barcamp in the morning! I will name it 840. 😉
Kicking off the afternoon with pitch of Hackerspace and Maker Culture
Hmm, this is why the call this session “THE GREEN.” Get to make fun of making is much more fun then golf as hobby.
Rick Ye gave a talk on his open source HCR robot. I was driving it around to round up people to the talk. This version has a cam pointing upward and a automated navigation mode. It’s a lot of fun to watch it walking all over the place on its own from the video at the control.
This little guy has great potential to be a good caddy on the green.
Thanks to Scott for the video.