Hi, I am a rookie in the field of four-axis aircraft, could mail me about the progress of micro quadcopter? In addittion, I am a student in Hangzhou ,could I join you?Thank you!
I would suggest you to switch to ardupilot or openpilot for controller the KK is ok but very limlited in any case dont fall into the super QQ that controller is a joke
hii….. can you mail me the details about quadcopter…
Hi, This quadcopter made from aluminum tube, the controller is KK. You are welcome to visit Xinchejian, some of us are making micro quadcopter now
Hi, I am a rookie in the field of four-axis aircraft, could mail me about the progress of micro quadcopter? In addittion, I am a student in Hangzhou ,could I join you?Thank you!
I would suggest you to switch to ardupilot or openpilot for controller the KK is ok but very limlited in any case dont fall into the super QQ that controller is a joke