夏日里的Arduino工作坊 热情满满 / Enthusiastic Summer Day Arduino Workshop

July 25th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

1F, No.3 Building, No 28 East Yuyuan Road Saturday, a warm sunny day after some rain last week, it’s 34 degree celsius today, but it won’t stop our enthusiastic makers to come and join the Arduino workshop. Enjoy these snap shots from the workshop, and big thanks to Yu and William who is our host for this! [caption id="attachment_7455" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Arduino 工作坊 725 Arduino 工作坊 725[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_7456" align="aligncenter" width="300"]LED 小灯 Blink LED 小灯 Blink[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7457" align="aligncenter" width="470"]William 乱入 William 乱入[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7458" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Yu和William热心教导大家 Yu和William热心教导大家[/caption] ]]>

Arduino新手系列工作坊 7月25-8月08|Arduino Beginners Serial Workshop Jul. 25 – Aug. 08

July 19th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

1F, Building 3, No 28 East Yuyuan Road illu-arduino-UNO 报名参加 Sign Up   Just started your summer break and want to create something cool? Have special interests in electronics and want to know more about what Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Majors are doing? Or do you want to add some special flavours to your life? Join the Arduino workshop specially designed for beginners! During the three Ardruino workshop series, you will get introduced to contents related to micro-controllers such as Arduino and what you can do with Arduino, includes: 1. Learn about a few fundamental electronic parts, how they work, and how they could possibly be applied to your own project. 2. Learn some basic programming, including variables, conditionals and loops. 3. Learn how to apply different electronic parts in 5 interesting projects 4. Learn how to make a slightly more complicated project: an electronic lock in the final workshop At the end of the workshop, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge necessary to start your own project! Workshop Fee: Arduino Kit with Basic Components (special discounted price) : RMB210 原价300 Each of the 2 hours workshop is RMB150 (member), RMB200 (non-member) All three workshop package cost: RMB 710 (3 workshops with kit and 1 month XCJ membership) Registration details please contact “interns@xinchejian.com” // ]]]]> Please download and install Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software Location: 1F, No.3 Building, No. 28 Yuyuan East Road (XinCheJian)   ]]>

Serial Arduino Workshop for Beginners | Arduino 入门系列工作坊(3周) – April 18th

March 30th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 ArduinoUno_R3_Pinouts Sign Up 报名参加 Time: April 11th – April 25th, Every Saturday10:00am – 12:00pm. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

Arduino Level 4 Serial Workshop|Arduino进阶工作坊(10周)-April 5th

March 25th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_431999265 Sign Up 报名参加 Every Sunday 10am – 12am for 10 weeks, starting from April 5th, XinCheJian will be hosting serial Arduino level 4 workshop. This is the first time ever in XinCheJian to run Level 4 Arduino workshop. As many new makers are trying to figure out their way through all possibilities with Arduino, the majority may have only attended one or two introduction sessions to Arduino and afterwards never get the chance to continue playing with all the electronic parts and start doing fun projects. Many may have put their Arduino starter kits up on the shelf to collect dust. It that’s what’s happening with your Arduino kits, that would be too bad and now comes your chance to pick them up again and really get to understand everything about Arduino. This serial Arduino workshop will include all parts in the starter kits. As participants finish playing with these parts, some fun projects will be introduced to the workshop. This is a workshop that will inspire you to create and make! ]]>

Arduino Workshop for Beginners | Arduino 入门工作坊 - Feb. 27&28

February 26th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_431999265 报名参加 Register Time: Feb. 27 & 28 Friday&Saturday 10:00am – 12:00pm. Fee: RMB150 for XinCheJian members; RMB200 for non XinCheJian members. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

Arduino工作坊之传感器篇 | Arduino Workshop with Sensors – Jan. 2015

December 23rd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_431999265 报名参加 Register Time: Jan. 3rd Sunday, 10:30am – 12:30pm. Fee: RMB150/session for XinCheJian members; RMB200/session for non XinCheJian members. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

Introduction to Intel Edison 体验工作坊:系列基础篇之“云”土壤 – Dec. 28

December 19th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 18.pic_hd Register 报名参加 Time: Dec. 28 Sunday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Location: XinCheJian Please bring your computer, and a plant if you have one. Due to limited supply, each Edison board will be shared by two people! The Intel Edison development platform is the first in a series of low-cost, product-ready, general purpose compute platforms that help lower the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs of all sizes—from pro makers to consumer electronics and companies working in the Internet of Things (IoT). The Intel Edison development platform packs a robust set of features into its small size, delivering great performance, durability, and a broad spectrum of I/O and software support. Those versatile features help meet the needs of a wide range of customers. Angelo, engineer from DFrobot, is greatly inspired by this new development board and would like to share the experience with more makers at XinCheJian hackerspace. The ‘cloud’ soil project that will be shared at the workshop will use temperature and humidity sensors, LCD modules, and sensor extension boards. This workshop is for those with Arduino or raspberry pi programming experience, having knowledge of C language or any software development experience, or just interested in Intel Edison. ]]>

Arduino Workshop|Arduino工作坊 – Feb. 08

November 28th, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_431999265 报名参加 Register Time: Feb. 08 Sunday 10:30am – 12:30pm. Fee: RMB150 for XinCheJian members; RMB200 for non XinCheJian members. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

Arduino with Mitch Altman 跟创客大神Mitch Altman学Arduino – Nov. 16

November 7th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 800px-Arduinos_For_Total_Newbies_workshop 报名参加 Register rmb200 for non xinchejian members and rmb150 for xinchejian members. Taught by Mitch Altman. This workshop is easy enough for total newbies to learn all you need to know to get going on an Arduino. Participants will use an Arduino clone, and set it up on solderless breadboards to make their own TV-B-Gone remote control to turn off TVs in public places — a fun way to learn Arduino (and electronics) basics. Bring your laptop, if you can. Bring your Arduino kits or buy one onsite for rmb210. Itinerary Intro to Arduino Very short lesson to learn everything you need to know about electronics! We will be using an Arduino clone and set up the free and open-source software on our laptops (if you bring one) — Windows, MacOS, or Linux are all fine! And then it’s time to make something and learn how easy it is to use Arduino! I’ll (very easily!) show you how to read schematic diagrams, and you’ll put together your own TV-B-Gone remote control using your Arduino clone. We will use a solderless breadboard. These are really useful, and provide a fast, and very easy way to put circuits together without needing to solder. Target practice is available after the workshop. ]]>

Arduino Workshop for Beginners – Sep. 28th

September 22nd, 2014 § 5 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 arduino 立即报名 Register The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

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