Kin interview

August 30th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

What else will be done? Kin plans to make a second version of his motion flight simulator. His second version will vary from the first in that it will have a 7 axis motion platform instead of the current 4. The current design only has 4 axis of freedom, one controlling the up and down movement, one for tilt, one for roll, and the bottom for the rotation. With the second design, it will include 3 new axis of freedom, a horizontal axis of freedom controlling left to right motion, one for the side to side movement, full degree of angle acceleration. The current also has a maximum tilt degree of 30 degrees. The new design has a maximum platform degree of over 60 degrees but for safety reasons, it will be capped at 60. This 7 axis motion platform will make the motion flight simulator more realistic. This new design is revolutionary because no one has incorporated all these components before. Version two will take approximately 4 months and Kin hopes it will be finished in November of 2016. He plans to have a workshop when finished and if people are interested, Kin would like to show have a “How to build a helicopter simulator” workshop but only if a lot of people are interested. After the completion of his version two, he will build a version 3 of his motion flight simulator which will take about 8 months after version two to complete. Kin expects it to be available around July of 2017. After version 3 and using the same concept and structural designs, Kin plans on building a robotic arm that can move as much as the human arm, up and down, rotating in every angle, and being able to push, pull, and lift. It will be able to go up and down while it rotates and up and down while it pushes. It can also stretch out and recompress. The most important quality of the robotic arm is that it will be able to lift a lot of weight. With the design that he has in mind, Kin expects the robotic arm to weigh about 60 kg, and stand about 400 mm. It should lift at least 40 kg and have 45 degrees of freedom on either side. The meaning of this application is that you can build very high precision applications with the robotic arm. Conventional robotic arm has all its connections on a gear box. The limit of the gear box, is very obvious and requires a lot of torque which is one downside. It is very difficult to give it precision when lifting heavy weights with conventional robotic arms Kin’s design takes that into consideration and is able to bypass the limit allowing his robotic arm to move and life very precisely. Kin has taught not only himself but 8 other students how to fly a helicopter with his simulation. They all have learned how to fly with 9 hours of land instructions, 1 hour on the flight simulator and 10 minutes with real helicopter flight. Kin still has many ideas and a lot more projects that he want to do in the future. He is a very resourceful and ambitious person. He seeks out knowledge by watching videos and going on Tao Bao and getting tips from the merchants on what parts to use and how to use it. He is very excited about the possibilities and applications of his innovations and hopes to help share his dream of flying to all those around him.]]>

New Intern Yu Liu

June 22nd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink   IMG_8150

New interns: Yu Liu (Right) Dooho (left) messing with the tools in Xinfab


Face to Face with Mitch Altman and his Crew 对话大神Mitch Altman和他的团队 - Nov 23

November 20th, 2014 § 5 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 Mitch-Altman-cropped Open to All 开放活动,欢迎参加! Time: Nov 23, 16:00 ~ Location: XinCheJian Hackerspace Speaker List: Mitch Altman Topic: The Importance of Failure Mitch Altman is a San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as a featured speaker at hacker conferences, as an international expert on the hackerspace movement, and for teaching introductory electronics workshops. He is also Chief Scientist and CEO of Cornfield Electronics. Jeffrey Putney Topic: Makerspace Urbana – My favorite little Makerspace Jeffrey Putney is an organizing member of Makerspace Urbana. After working for over 10 years as an electrical engineer in multiple start up companies his main focus now is on helping build a supportive and inclusive space for makers and community members at his local Makerspace. He also does outreach and sets up maker workshops with various community partners such as libraries and local public schools. Some of the things he loves making include designing small board electronics, sewing, glass work, welding, and photography. Rachel McConnell Topic: Non electronics projects Rachel owns a small fabrication business called Dr Shiny, in Oakland, CA. She makes movie props, product prototypes, art objects, and other unique items for her clients. She was one of the founders of Noisebridge hackerspace along with Mitch Altman and others, and is currently the president of Ace Monster Toys, a hackerspace in Oakland. Previously she was the lead developer for Her projects can be found at and She has no university degrees, but learned programming, welding, dressmaking, moldmaking and casting, woodworking, upholstery, electronics, and more all by herself. Zimmer Barnes Topic: In 2012, Zimmer Barnes completed a Kickstarter for a wearable solar generator, and his latest creation is a segmented bullet resistant vest with embedded electronics. He is a member of ATX Hackerspace in Austin, Texas. Elizabeth Cole Topic: Open Source Biohacking Just as personal computers opened a new world of creativity by liberating computing from monolithic corporations, there is a movement of citizen scientists creating open source devices to make the well understood techniques of DNA analysis available to everyone, not just to molecular biologists. Bio hacking can be used for useful things such as engineering algae for biofuels, bacteria that glows when its in the presence of arsenic, determining if vegetables are contaminated with harmful bacteria such as E. Coli or Listeria, or seeing which neighbors’ dog has been pooping on your lawn. Elizabeth Jane Cole is co founder of the Evil Twin Booking Agency [], former writer for WIRED magazine and other publications, and producer for Love & Radio. In her spare time she makes mobile biology labs. Johannes Schneemann – AKA ”herr_flupke” in hackers circle Topic 1: cjdns – IPv6 based encrypted meshnetworking for the Internet of Things, or Topic 2: my hut in the dark net – strategies for running decentralized services herr_flukpe explains machines to humans and humans to machines. His work involves security and privacy, community and ethics. Besides that he contributes to free/libre open source software and helps artists building custom hardware. Some of his stuff is documented at]]>

Meet XinCheJian makers at Shanghai Makers Carnival

October 17th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

1wlogo XinCheJian will be the featured hacker space at upcoming Shanghai Makers Carnival running through 18-19 of October. Come visit us at our booth and meet the most creative and most daring XinCheJian makers and see for yourself what can be achieved if you dare to do! This will be the biggest event of makers community. There will be talks and seminars, workshops, showcasing, as well as a market place. Don’t miss it out! Time: 18th-19th of October, 2014. Location: 290 SongHu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai. ]]>

theNelson launches his first product

May 10th, 2014 § 5 comments § permalink

Human LED Human LED[/caption] So for those that might remember or have met theNelson, he dropped out of berkley by taking the thiel fellowship (resize the browser to see him on the right side) and has now released his first product of that, think social, think sharing, think music.. it’s all that in one! – If you are a member of XinCheJian contact for a discount code! theNelson is a special case, he joined XinCheJian in the early days on An Hua lu space, many many hours were given, he ran Designing your own PCB workshops which got a lot of people started almost 3 years ago, designed the first robo-racing shield that most still use and hack for other purposes and drops by as much as he can, he’s back mid may for a drop in to update us on how his new venture is going, oh, and i (Paul) still don’t think he’s 21! This is one small step for him in his future, we expect many many more! Here’s a few links and a funny photo i dug up:


Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 17/07/2013

July 17th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink



Make something this summer!   Processing workshop went well on the weekend, for those that missed it, well worth checking out when it comes up again. just a friendly reminder that if you havn’t paid your membership dues, please do so at the space. in August paul will be running a free Arduino workshop for members only make sure you have your own Arduino kit, buy through the space to support XinCheJian. also let us know what you think about the new design on the xinchejian website. A friendly reminder that XinCheJian is a hackerspace and not a co-working space/cheap office space, its fine to work on your projects but not cool to run your business out of the space, people involved in this are kindly being asked to move to a co-working facility, we can make introductions if you need them. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  • Sunny Sun Jr will be giving a brief insight to the biohack lab he wants to setup and ways you can join
  • David Li will be showing off his new hydroponic system named the Vortex
  • DFRobot is going to be opening the sumobot challenge, XinCheJian is already forming a team to smash them!

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

  • The Famous Sunny Sun Jr wants to kick off the biohack lab, find out how you can be involved and what they are planning on doing, glow in the dark goldfish anyone?
  • David li, a constant builder has his new system, making your own vortex to process worm casters or suck the world into
  • DFRobot is going to introduce sumobot challenge this evening!

Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/07/2013

July 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

7月03日周三开放日 Make something this summer!   Tonight, it’s a back to normal @XinCheJian, several announcements, the possibility to receive the machineroom training with paul this evening after presentations and upcoming events, also keep an eye out on dotdotlab’s project “dotdotdot” launching downstairs in a joint interactive exhibition piece with W+K for the month. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  • Biayna Bogosian – Synesthesia
  • Spencer Featherstone – Assistive aids

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

  • Biayna will present her research on design workflow automation that utilizes various physical and non-physical factors to add information resolution to the built environments. Biayna Bogosian is an architect interested in computational design and highly localized materialization processes that respond to data patterns. Biayna holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Since 2011, Biayna has taught digital media seminars and design studios at Columbia University GSAPP, and USC School of Architecture.
  • Spencer Featherstone the key ingredient in swarm robots is back and is going to discuss his progress in trying to make affordable, reasonably functional assistive aids, a call for interest in having one or more mini hack nights/weekends, or individuals who want to get involved, or create longer term project/s to develop and publish.

Robo Racing – Sunday 7th – 1pm – 3pm @ Shanghai Library 3rd floor

July 1st, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

delete_IMG_0023-300x225 Ladies and gentleman! start your engines, we’re hosting the XinCheJian Autonomous robo-racing at the Shanghai Library on the 3rd floor THIS Sunday XinCheJian’s Toughest robot challenge is about to begin, Autonomous Robo racing, all based on sensors and time on the race track, from 1pm – 3pm we’ll be racing at shanghai library and competing for the fastest time on the track!]]>

Weekly Update

June 5th, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink

Wednesday’s Presentations IoT – Rob van Kranenburg Dr. J. (Sjaak) Wolfert: SmartAgriFood David Li: Makers and IoT Andrew: LED Cube and Timer]]>

Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/05/2013

May 22nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Announcements this week:

  1. Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
  2. sign up for the basics of Character Animation and learn the tricks that Pixar and Disney used to create some of the most long running cartoons to date.
  3. Movie night this friday: Moulin Rouge – 730pm

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  1. Paul – sha256({Human})
  2. Enno – Character Animation
  3. More..

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

  1. Paul will be demoing sha256({Human}), a talk he wanted to do at barcamp but was unable to make it this year, this uses face tracking and recognition using opensource tools
  2. Enno will give an introduction to the upcoming workshops this weekend at XinCheJian, A teacher, an Artist both in Design and Music, this is one cool cat!
  3. Ad-Hoc.. this could be you

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