We have moved!

April 24th, 2014 § 4 comments § permalink

contact page for the new location. XCJ Map]]>

Calling for help for the big move! 新车间要搬家了!

April 17th, 2014 § 20 comments § permalink

xinchejian-logo We’ll start moving this weekend to our new space on Yuyuan Road. We need every help you could offer to pack and move everything. Please come and help if you have time and don’t mind a bit of heavy lifting. 😉 新车间这个周末要开始搬家到我们愚园路上的新地址。我们需要大家来帮忙打包和搬运。要是你恰好有时间就来帮忙吧!]]>

Intro to Arduino Workshop by Habib – April 17th

April 8th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink

Time : 7pm-10pm
Venue : XinCheJian, F2 of 1035 Changle Road, Wulumuqi Road corner.
8 seats available
(including 4 seats reserved in priority for designers/artists of the PLTFRM community)
Description :
You are a designer and would like and already thought of an easy-to-start way to start playing with interactive tools/objects ?
This workshop is for you !
We propose you to introduce you with Arduino : the board that you probably heard of but maybe never touched 😉
We prepared for you a simple program made of :
   a) quick intro to the Arduino board functions / decryption of a few inspirational projects (from sound, to geometrical figure, wearables and more upon demand !)
   b) testing of the platform with basic applications (LED blink, etc)
   c) Q&A + sharing about potential personal projects you would be interested in building with (or without) peers
NB :  tea, beers, fruits and snacks provided
Rates :
 80RMB entrance fee
 If you do not have a board :
  a) 210RMB to buy the DFR Robot Arduino uno kit for beginners and go back home play with it for the rest of your life (You bet it!)
  b) Will also have 2 boards to lend you in case you don’t wanna get one (no worries:-))

Every saturday at 10am – Freda's Paiting workshop at XCJ

April 3rd, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink

Events on March 29 – 30 at XinCheJian

March 28th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Points spring painting workshop – March 29th

March 26th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

春暖,让我们脱下厚重的衣服,春天的色彩是自然给与特别礼物,这个春天让我们用圆圆的各式各样的点来描绘这个春天, 色彩是自然界最生动的表现, 色彩赋予形体以灵魂,正如声音赋予语言以情感.虽然点作为小小的,不起眼的元素,在重复,渐变,并置的情况下让画面呈现春天般的形式美感. 生活就是一个全新的发现过程.快来把属于你的春天带回家吧! Spring come, we take off the thick clothes, The spring colour is special gift from nature, let’s go! Use difference points describing spring. Colour is the most vivid performance of the nature beauty. As the voice giving the feeling to the language, the colour gives the soul to the body. Although points is small and humble element, usually, expressions with repetition, gradation, rhythm and unification made paintings greatly beautiful in form. Life is a new discovery experience. Hurry up! Bring your own spring back home. 制作工具: 纸,打洞机,颜料,水彩笔 制作时间:2小时 费用:100元 时间:2014年3月1日-2014年5月30日 每周六上午10:00-12点 主讲人:freda冯佳


PCB design workshop – March 30th

March 26th, 2014 § 6 comments § permalink

PhotoProtoProPCB1_800 Fee: Members RMB100; non members RMB200. Rookies like me always are fascinated by how circuit board plays important role in all electronics. Now we have a chance to learn to design our own. This coming Sunday 30th of March 12:30 – 15:30, Wouter will be teaching us how to design a PCB from scratch. Bring your laptop and yourself to the hackerspace.]]>

Oscilloscope Training – members only

March 23rd, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink

images Time: 16:00, March 30th, Sunday. Danny will set up some simple practices to show how to use the device and explain some basics.]]>

Build your own sumo robot – April 13th (10am – 5pm)

March 19th, 2014 § 9 comments § permalink


Please sign up at the link under ‘upcoming events’ to the right of the website!!
Price: members RMB300 and nonmembers RMB400,  including the kits.
For people who would like to join the SUMO robot races but have no idea how to start building their own robot have now their chance to join… The Build your OWN sumo robot workshop.
During the day you will be busy soldering, drilling, cutting, gluing and all the other necessary  work involved to get your robot wrestling in the sumo ring.
No experience with Arduino is required but is a plus.
You can join this workshop individually or with a friend (strongly suggested if you’re an absolute beginner due to the limited time)

DIY Crackle Box — March 29th

March 18th, 2014 § 2 comments § permalink

Crakle-Box-600x400 Fee (including materials): online registration: 250rmb/person 时间 Time:下午2点-5点 /2PM – 5PM 地址:新车间创客空间,上海徐汇区长乐路1035号2楼(乌鲁木齐路口) Location: XinCheJian Hackerspace, 2nd floor 1035 Changle Rd (corner Wulumuqi Rd.) 工作坊内容 Workshop Content: 在这次的工作坊中,大家将制作一个简单有趣的设计:摸摸摸 - 超绚的银色触摸界面,经典的六触摸点噪音电路,由Michel Waisvisz在七十年代设计。在轻触间把各种奇妙声音展现。无需繁杂的操作,快来感受指尖的曼妙的歌声。 制作简单方便,自带喇叭,随时随地,你都可以随身携带把玩。听,你的手指在唱歌!对于身体的变化非常敏感,甚至以几个人连起来进行演奏。 首先你们将会了解摸摸摸的电路基本原理,以及它声音变化的原因,随后大家动手焊接组装,组装完成后就可以尽情享受探索声音的乐趣了! In this workshop, you will learn how to make your own Crackle box – MoMoMo. MoMoMo designed by Meng Qi, the concept was first conceived by Michel Waisvisz and Geert Hamelberg in the 1960s, it is a small box with six metal contacts on top, which when pressed by fingers will generate all manner of unusual sounds and tones. First you will learn the basic principle of the circuit – how it can make different sounds. After that, you will learn how to solder and assemble the parts step by step. Once you’re finished, there you are in the world of sounds! Start exploring!]]>