New Home of Xin Che Jian

March 14th, 2011 § 6 comments

Xin Che Jian is moving!

After a 3 months of experimenting in Xindanwei, we have proven the potential of having a hackerspace in Shanghai but we need a bigger space. We found a new 100 square meter location in Anhua Lu and Jiangsu Lu inside a old factory. The place is definitely a ideal location for setting up a hackerspace. The new space will be ready by the end of March!

Lovely neighborhoold

There are all kind of business around. I am sure we can use them in our making.

IMG 0352

Yes, it’s a real factory (che jian)!

IMG 0363

Let the be light

One big side of the room is full of window.

IMG 0348

Plenty of space

IMG 0346]]>

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